
北师大版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 5 Humans and Nature Lesson 3 Race to the Pole Reading Club复习导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:21次 大小:30101Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Humans and Nature Writing&Reading复习导学案 【学习目标】 掌握本课单词、词块、熟词生义,扩充词汇量,扫除阅读障碍,拓宽学生的知识面,提高阅读能力。 翻译分析长难句,掌握基本的语法知识,同时提高学生的语言表达能力。 【课前复习】课前完成,先用黑色笔填写已掌握的知识,再参考教材和词典用红色笔补充完成空白部分,最后读背红色部分。老师上课用多种形式提问。 英译汉: brochure_____ shelter_____ aftershock_____ observe_____ metal_____ varied_____ scary_____ harmless_____ skiing_____ originality_____ disappearance_____ 词汇拓展: 1. brochure _____ 同义词_____ 2. shelter_____ 同义词_____ _____ 3.observe→ _____ n. 观察,监视→ _____ n.遵守,奉行→ _____ adj.善于观察的→ _____ n.观察者 4. 区分词义metal_____ mental _____ 5._____ n.多样化,变化→ _____ v.变化;改变→ _____ _____adj.各种各样的 6. scary→ _____ v/n. 恐慌,惊吓 7.harmless→ _____ adj.有害的→ _____ v/n.损害,伤害 8. originality→ _____ adj.起初的→ _____ adv.原来,起初→ _____ n.起源→ _____ v.起源,发源 9. disappearance→ _____ v.消失→ _____ v.看来,出现→ _____ n.外貌,外观 【问题导学】英汉互译,师生互动,掌握词块和熟词生义。 take shelter from_____ shelter sb/sth from_____ observe sb do/doing sth_____ observe the law _____ observe the Spring Festival _____ under observation _____ a scared look/face _____ be scared to death _____ more harm than good _____ do harm to sb/do sb harm _____ be harmful to mean no harm public appearance court appearance Human beings need food, clothing and shelter. She had a very sheltered childhood. Parents always want to shelter children from danger in the society, but it does not help to build up their confidence. They observed the prisoners through a one-way mirror. American forces are observing Christmas quietly. One should never intend to do harm to others, but should always guard against the harm others might do to him. There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. His disappearance is unaccounted for. I give it ten out of ten for originality. Some decorations looks like being placed at will, but its arrangement shows the originality. 【深入探究】小组讨论、翻译教材重点,需特别注意划线部分、括号部分、黑体部分。 The most important thing is to protect yourself as much as you can. 2. Find a shelter where you can stay. If you are near objects that can fall, find a shelter to protect yourself from them. 3. Drive carefully when the quake stops. Avoid bridges that have been damaged or may be damaged by the aftershocks. 4. New Zealand is one of the few countries in the world without snakes. 5. New Zealand is home to nearly 5 million people, 30 million sheep and 10 million cows. 6. A mountain range(山脉) runs down the middle of the south island and includes the country's highest mountain: Mountain Cook. 7. Generally, the further south you go, the colder it will be. 【高考链接】语法填空(1.5x10=15) Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. 1 (compare) with other forms of writing, it is short ... ...

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