
Module 6 Animals in danger. 语法填空 专练(含解析)外研版版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:78次 大小:307521Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module 6 Animals in danger. 语法填空 专练(含解析)外研版版英语八年级上册 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式填空,未提供单词的限填一词。 Do you know all the living things need to sleep People can sleep in their 1 (house) to keep safe. But to some animals, it’s not safe for them 2 (sleep) sometimes. When they sleep, other animals may hurt or kill them. Animals have to think of many ways to protect 3 (they) so that they can sleep well. Seals (海豹) need to 4 (breath) air, but that doesn’t stop some of them sleeping underwater. They hold their breath and dive deep to sleep. It can help these seals get away from some 5 (danger) animals. Some ducks sleep with just half of their brains. They often sleep in a line. The ducks at both ends help to keep 6 group safe. They keep one eye open to watch for danger. The ducks sleep deeply 7 the middle with both eyes closed. Some seabirds sleep while they are flying. These big birds spend most of their lives 8 (fly) over the sea. They are in danger if they are on the water, 9 they’ll be safe in the sky. They can fly for many hours without flapping their wings. Horses often sleep while standing up. Their legs lock (固定) in the place so they don’t fall over. A horse can run from danger 10 (quick) if it is already standing. If a horse is lying down, it needs a long time to get up. When Amy came home from school the next day, Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate. As soon as he saw Amy, he 11 (throw) his coat over it. Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden to see her hedgehog friend. Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up 12 her. “What are you talking about “whispered Mrs Harris. “Slugs.” There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her g 13 . They all had their mouths o 14 . One person stood out. It was Mr Peck: “I’ve asked a few friends over.” he said smoothly. “I hope you don’t m 15 .” Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her. “You may watch. But please don’t talk or make a noise. And no 16 (photo).” The people nodded. Amy went down on her knees and snorted once more. This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. The people just wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and 17 (play) together. As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wanted 18 (know) what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about. “They told me about their youth. Then they told me why they curl up into a b 19 . And where to find the 20 (tasty) grubs. Oh, and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter.” Mrs Harris hugged Amy. “You were fantastic,” she said. “Come in and I’ll mak ... ...

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