ID: 17690453

Unit5 Can I have a pet ?period 1 教案

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:19次 大小:839976B 来源:二一课件通
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湘少版五上Unit5 Can I have a pet 第一课时教学设计 教学目标:掌握parrot、choose、talk、hold的发音及书写;掌握句型:Can I have ... Yes, you can ./No,you can’t .;A is nice to B. 重点:Can I have ... Yes, you can ./No,you can’t . 难点:如何通过文中关键句判断句子对错。 教学步骤: Step1:Pre-learning Listen to a song“Do you have a pet ” T:Let’s follow the song“Do you have a pet ” T:Do you have a pet S1: Yes, I do. I have a dog. T: We can say: S1 has a pet .She has a dog. Ss: S1 has a pet .She has a dog. Step2:While-learning 1.T: This is Jane .Jane has a parrot as a pet.(希沃白板先后出示Jane和parrot的照片。 T:Where does Jane get the parrot (希沃白板展示D部分第一段图片) S2:At the pet shop . T:Jane和谁去了宠物店? Ss:她的爸爸。 T:请同学们说故事:什么人在什么地点做了什么事情。 S3:Jane和爸爸去宠物店买了一只鹦鹉。 T:Jane想要一只宠物,她该怎么对爸爸说呢? Ss:Can I have a pet T:我们需要加上爸爸的昵称“Dad”.(学习dad时引入三字经:我家dad,脾气bad,让我sad) T:爸爸同意了Jane的请求。Jane chooses a beautiful parrot. T;Can you guess the meaning of “choose” S4:挑选。 T:At the market, I choose some beef .At the clothes shop, I choose a red dress. Explain the text by details and translate the sentences. Do the exercise of 1--3. Learn Paragraph2. A:教师播放英语学舌视频。 T:The parrot can talk .鹦鹉会...... Ss:说话 T:talk .(师示范发音,学生跟读)。I am talking to you now.现在我正在和你们说话。而这只鹦鹉每天都和Jane说话。(Ss write the Chinese meaning of“He talks to Jane every day.” T: Look at picture2. The parrot is angry.鹦鹉非常的生气。观察图片,我们可以看出鹦鹉对Jane的妈妈非常不友好。“The parrot is not nice to Jane’s mother.”“nice”在这句话里怎么理解? Ss:友好的 T:那么妈妈喜欢鹦鹉吗 ? Ss:不喜欢。 T:妈妈对Jane说啊:“Can you take it back to the pet shop ”你能带他回宠物店吗 ?” B:Do the exercise of “4--5”. Step3: After-learning . A:Read the Chinese meaning of the whole text. B: Recite the key sentences.

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