
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Let's talk teens Project and Assessment课件(共63张PPT)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:12559956Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Creating a short play about parent-child relationships 1. Create a short play about parent-child relationships. 2. Prepare to perform the play in class. Lead-in Watch a video. What are people doing in the video They're performing a play. Lead-in Have you ever performed a short play What do we need to do to perform a play Choose a play, learn lines and acting skills, ... A play has a unique format and style. Most plays are in the form of a dialogue. A large amount of casual speech is used, sometimes with incomplete sentences. The main components of a play are as follows: characters, settings, stage directions, plot, conflicts, climax, and theme.  As a class , let’s watch a video and then discuss in groups on how to write a short play about your chosen topic. Use the table below to help you. 背景 人物 情节 主题  As a group, write your play. Use the example below, which is the beginning of a short play, to help you. Then perform your play in front of the class.  As a class, discuss what topics should be presented for a play about parent-child relationships. You can use the ideas below or think of other ideas. Then in groups, pick one topic for your play.  As a class, discuss what topics should be presented for a play about parent-child relationships. You can use the ideas below or think of other ideas. Then in groups, pick one topic for your play. friends goals/dreams hobbies housework personal habits pocket money schoolwork … hobbies Hobbies  Voice your opinion about the fact that some parents might worry that their children's hobbies can get in the way of their schoolwork. Hobbies  About hobbies. Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and enriches our lives. It gives us something fun to do during our leisure time and affords us the opportunity to learn new skills. It makes you more interesting. People who have hobbies have experiences and stories that they can share with others. They also have specialized knowledge that they can teach to anyone who also has an interest in the same topics as they do. It helps to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. Hobbies give you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. They let you relax and seek pleasure in activities that aren’t associated with work, chores or other responsibilities. Having a hobby can help your social life and create a bond with others. A hobby is something that you can frequently enjoy with other people. It helps you develop new skills. A hobby that you really dedicate your time to will lead you to build new skills. As you spend more time at your hobby you will become better and better at it. It enriches your life and gives you a different perspective on things. No matter what type of hobby you choose, you will definitely be exposed to new ideas. Hobbies help you grow in various ways, including exposing you to new opinions and to new ways to look at life.   1. A teenage ... ...

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