
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Let's talk teens Extended reading课件(共58张PPT 内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:22次 大小:45768564Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Extended reading 1. Students can learn some words and phrases. 2. Students can get the main idea of this passage. 3. Students can form a positive attitude towards family life. Learning Aims: If we want to narrate a story, what elements are included in time, place, main character, things, cause, process .... Brainstorming: What can you find from this picture What are they doing now 1. family member 2. coins 3. ... ... Look and try to predict the main idea of this story. Does Mama’s Bank Account exist No, it doesn't. Read the passage and answer the questions. How many parts can the story be divided into What’s the main idea of each part Write down the structure! Para 1 para.1-5 Para 2 para.6-15 Para 3 para.16-22 Introduction Stories Truth Mama and her Bank Account 1. What was the “Little Bank” used for A. It was used for dangerous situations. B. It was used for the costs in grammar school. C. It was used for the groceries. D. It was used for the costs in high school. B 2. What happened in the boy’s eyes 1. What really happened in the concentration camp(集中营) 3. What did the father do to protect his son Watch a video and answer the following questions. La Vita è bella(美丽人生) 2. What happened in the boy’s eyes 1. What really happened in the concentration camp(集中营) 3. What did the father do to protect his son Watch a video and answer the following questions. The Jews were tortured(折磨) by the Nazis(纳粹). They were playing a game to get a tank. He told a white lie to pretend(假装) that it was just a game. What is a white lie a harmless or small lie, especially one that you tell to avoid hurting sb. Kathryn Forbes’s Mama’s Bank Account (Adapted from Kathryn Forbes’s Mama’s Bank Account, which has 17 short stories and describes the struggles and dreams of a family in San Francisco in the early 1900s) Basic elements of a short story Setting the time and place in which it happens. Characters a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story. Plot a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict(冲突). Theme the central idea or belief in a short story. Review: Basic elements of short story 背景 人物 情节 主题 Predict Mama’s love for her kids Make full use of money How to balance expenses … Predict from the title Analyze the basic elements of the story Analyze the basic elements Setting Characters Plot Theme The US in the early 1900s Characters Nels My little sister Dagmar Christine Me Papa Mama Analyze the basic elements Setting Characters Plot Theme The US in the early 1900s Mama, Papa, Nels, Katrin, Christine, Dagmar Structure analysis helps understand the plot Part 1 Part 2 Part3 Family routine in every Saturday night Nels wanted to go on high school, while the family didn’t have enough money. Everyone in the family would do something to help Nels go on to high school. There wasn ... ...

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