
Unit4 Where's my schoolbag SectionB 2a-2c 课件+音频(共32张PPT) 人教版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:9935962Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 2a-2c R·七年级上册 1. To learn the usage of and 2. To write about things in a room with in, on and under 3. To understand the passage about the sister’s room Look at the picture, try to remember the position of the things and make conversations with your partner. _____ bed table sofa clock hat books keys quilt tape chair notebook schoolbag radio bookcase CD dictionary Write the words you know for the things in the picture. 2a Brainstorming pen My room is tidy. But my brother’s room isn’t tidy. His things are always everywhere. Presentation Do you still remember what Tom’s room like Is it tidy or not tidy What:_____ Where:_____ His computer game, his T-shirt, his ball on the floor, on the wall His computer game, his T-shirt and his ball are on the floor. Two pictures are on the wall. What:_____ _____ Where:_____ _____ His notebook, his quilt, his pencil box on the bed, under the bed His notebook and quilt are on the bed. His pencil box is under the bed. What:_____ _____ _____ ___ Where:_____ _____ The ID card, the tape, the ruler, the model plane, the clock The ID card, the tape, the ruler, the model plane and the clock are on the table. on the table Hi, I’m Tom. I want to be a tidy boy. (于是,他给他的好朋友Kate写信,向她寻求帮助。以下是Kate给她的回复。) 2b Is Kate tidy Is Gina tidy Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Find out the topic sentence(主旨句). Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1. Where’re Kate’s keys 2. Where’re Kate’s books and tapes 3. Where is Kate’s clock 4. Where is Gina’s model plane They’re in her schoolbag. They’re in the bookcase. It’s on the desk. It’s under the desk. Kate Things Where books and tapes in the bookcase keys in her schoolbag clock on the desk Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. 2c Gina Things Where books model plane under the desk everywhere (on her bed, on the sofa, under the chair) keys, ruler, schoolbag don’t know Try to retell the passage according to the chart. Kate Gina Things Where Things Where books and tapes in the bookcase keys in her schoolbag clock on the desk books white model plane under the desk everywhere (on her bed, on the sofa, under the chair) keys, ruler, schoolbag don’t know Can you divide the passage into 3 parts 你能将文章划分为三个段落吗? 1. Know about Kate and Gina. 2. Kate is tidy. 3. Gina is not tidy. 中心句 Supporting details: Gina isn’t tidy. Supporting details: I’m tidy. I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I’m tidy, but Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It’s on the desk. Gina’s books are everywhere — on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. but “但是”,表示转折关系。 and “和;又;而”,表示顺承或并列关系。 everywhere adv.“处处;到处;各个地方”,相当于here and there。 The white model plane is hers. It’s under the desk. “Whe ... ...

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