
Module 8 Story time Unit 1 Once upon a time…学案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:35次 大小:802856Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七年级英语(上)导学案 编号:0701 姓名____李雄英_____ 班级__七年级_____ 备课组:初一英语备课组 主备人:李雄英 使用时间:2014年3月 20 日 审核人: Module8 桥下初中 李雄英 Unit1 Once upon a time 【学习要点】 1.熟悉本课所学新词汇; 2..掌握一般过去时态(the past simple tense) 和规则动词过去式的变化和发音。 3.对规则动词的过去式有初步的了解感知,并能进行口头陈述与询问。4.能够用一些规则动词的过去式讲一个小故事 【自学导练】 1、A.小组拼读新单词短语并从课文中找出下列单词,用“ ___” 划出新单词once,bear, begin, decide, ride, golden, little, pick, notice, hurry, knock, nobody, push, open, enter, count, bowl, all, hungry, once upon a time, go for a ride, pick up (5min) B.自学课本P150 Module9一般过去时(3min) C. 预习课本P48, 对课文有大概了解,并从文中用“ ___” 划出下列短语(5min) 1)once upon a time从前 2)go for a ride去乘(骑) 3)pick up 捡起 4)knock on敲(门,窗等) 5) be lost 迷路 6)look around朝四周看 7)look into朝...里面看 8)decide to do sth.决定做某事 B.重点句子 1.她会一个人单独到森林里散步吗? _____ 2.金凤花姑娘环顾了周围。_____ 3.然后她注意到一个小房子,所以急急忙忙的跑向它,并且敲了敲门。_____ 4.金凤花姑娘进入了房子并且进入了小房间。_____ 5.她捡起那个大碗但是她不喜欢它。 6.她吃光了里面所有的食物。_____ 3.语言点导学: 一、自学自练完成下列词汇。 1. Lily is a girl with ____(金黄色的) hair. 2. There was ___ (没有人) in the room. 3. Linda___(推) the door and ___(进入) the house. 4. The child can ___() from one to ten. 5. The little boy was very___(饿的). He ate up(吃光了)__(全部的) the food. 二. 阅读课文内容后,把下列问题与相对应的答案连在一起(或根据课文内容回答问题)。 1.Where was the little girl A. She was for a ride. 2. What did she do there B. Some nice food. 3. Why did she pick up a bowl C. She was in the forest. 4. Which bowl did she like D. Because she was hungry. 5. What was in the bowl E. The biggest one. 【课堂交流】 Teaching progress: Step one: Warming-up 课前朗读单词表中的单词(烘托气氛,和学生提前进入状态) 老师问:Do you like stories Show the students a video.Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs http://video./kan/movie/ id=16462&url=http://v./v_show/id_XMzM5NjA2MjQ4.html ( http: / / video. / kan / movie / id=16462&url=http: / / v. / v_show / id_XMzM5NjA2MjQ4.html ) What is your favourite story Can you tell it 学生积极回答 Show some pictures: The Ugly Little Duck The emperor's new clothes The little match girl (调动学生积极性,为引出主题做好铺垫) Step Two: Presentation: Show the students a video http://v./v_show/id_XNDQ3OTAyMDM2.html This class we will learn something about Goldilocks and the Three Bears (引出主题) 2 show the learning aims: (自主阅读目标:下一步学习作到心中有数) (1)To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation. ⑵ To grasp the theme of the story. ⑶ To tell the story briefly. Step 3 listening (PTP)1 learning Match the phrases with the Chinese ①Once upon a time a 在森林里 ②golden hair b金黄色头发 ③decide to do c 去散步 ④go for a walk d 决定去做 ⑤in the forest e 从前 (自 ... ...

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