
Module 9 Great inventions 单项选择 专练(含解析)外研版版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-07-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:298786Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module 9 Great inventions 单项选择 专练(含解析)外研版版英语九年级上册 1.A gym coach can guide you to do exercise _____ so you may not get hurt easily. A.early B.actively C.quickly D.properly 2.—Look at Ann, she looks not good. —Well, she never eats _____ and that’s why she is not healthy. A.properly B.completely C.slowly D.widely 3.In American English, “_____” has the same meaning as “biscuit” in British English. A.store B.cookie C.movie D.eraser 4.In order to improve our spoken English, more_____ should be paid to our pronunciation. A.attention B.conversation C.direction 5.Linda, the telephone is ringing. Please help me _____. A.pick it up B.look it up C.put it up 6.My sister wants to be a doctor. She hopes her dream can _____. A.cut down B.come true C.put up D.run away 7.The 24th Olympic Winter Games _____ in 2022 in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. A.hold B.will hold C.is held D.will be held 8.—Will you be able to go sightseeing with me this weekend — Sorry, a surprise party for our teacher _____ on Sunday night. A.will organize B.will be organized C.is organized D.organized 9.—How did you fix up the broken bike —It’s easy. I just follow the _____. A.instruction B.introduction C.invention D.preparation 10.—Where is Jim It’s time for breakfast. —Well, he has been awake for half an hour, but he refuses to _____. A.put up B.stay up C.get up D.give up 11.Seeing the basketball on the picture, I _____ believe it’s a real one. A.properly B.highly C.nearly D.hardly 12.Students can only borrow one book at _____ time from our school library. A.the B.a C./ D.an 13.If you see the cartoon movies, you will _____ laugh. A.be made B.be made to C.make 14.一Mum’s birthday is coming, but I have no idea what present I should prepare. 一Whatever you give to her, it will _____ be liked by her. A.properly B.hardly C.certainly D.specially 15.The XXIV Olympic Winter Games _____ in Beijing in 2022, so we can also call it Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. A.will hold B.will be held C.is held D.was held 16.—A civilized city _____ in Luoping in 2023. —Wow, sounds fantastic. A.builds B.built C.will build D.will be built 17.Teenagers are really excited about seeing the famous _____ by Picasso. A.instructions B.paintings C.suggestions D.choices 18.—What program are you going to perform at the English Festival —We will _____ a wonderful play. A.put up B.put out C.put on 19.Listen, if you don't study hard, you'll _____ failing the final exam and being punished. A.make up B.give up C.put up D.end up 20.Three astronauts      to space aboard our country’s new space station later this month. A.carry B.is carried C.will be carried 21.—Are you kidding I can’t believe it! —I’m not _____ a story. It really happened! A.making up B.dressing up C.taking up D.putting up 22.Don't worry. Your package here until you come back, please enjoy ... ...

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