
Unit 12 The four seasons 第二课时课件+单元整体教学设计

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:77次 大小:4119859Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 4 The world around us 牛津深圳版三年级上册 Unit 12 The four seasons Period 2 The four seasons in Beijing. Let’s talk Kitty, how is the weather in each season in Beijing Let’s see! Let’s learn warm In spring, it is warm. Let’s learn hot In summer, it is hot. Let’s learn cool In autumn, it is cool. Let’s learn cold In winter, it is cold. Look and match cool summer spring cold Let’s play cold warm cool hot What’s missing Listen and read In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. Listen and read In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold. Look, fill and read. In _____, it is _____. In _____, it is _____. spring warm summer hot Look, fill and read. In _____, it is _____. In _____, it is _____ cool autumn cold winter Let’s talk What season do you like, Peter I like spring. It is warm. What about you I like autumn. It is cool. Let’s talk Now let’s play a game! OK! Let’s play. In summer, it is hot. Point and read spring summer autumn winter Color and say In spring, it’s warm. 1. Listening. 评价内容 自评情况 学生自评表 2. Speaking. 4. Writing. 3. Reading. 5. Acting & Using. Summary 1. 会听说读写单词:warm, hot, cool, cold. 2. 重点句型: In spring, it is warm. Blackboard design Unit 12 The four seasons 1. warm, hot, cool, cold. 2. In spring, it is warm. Homework Must do: Listen and read P58. Write the sentences for two times. Choose to do Introduce the four seasons, for example, In Summer, it is hot. 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 12 The four seasons单元整体教学设计 单元课题 三年级上册Unit 12 教材页码 P58-61 单元主题 意义 本模块的教学主题是: The world around us. 属于“人与自我”,“人与自然”的范畴。主题群包括四季,生活体验等。子主题内容为对四季的欣赏,对四季的温度变化进行描述。本模块是基于第一册和第二册中的Module 4语言知识点的进一步升级。主要围绕“四季”这一话题展开,核心内容是四季、四季的变化及可以做的事情。能进行简单的角色扮演,在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂小故事;同时进行了英文字母的各种练习。各课时围绕单元主题和子主题展开,课时之间相对独立,又紧密关联。本单元除了对以前内容的整合和对课外知识新的拓展,还把书写列为重点教学内容。 教学内容分析 1.来源&内容: 本单元来自牛津英语(深圳版)3A Module 4的模块, 依据单元整体设计理念及情景教学法的理念,本单元通过单元话题The four seasons,按课时分为3个单课时话题: Songs of seasons、The four seasons in Beijing, Let’s make a snowman,再基于单元目标,层层推进教学活动,带着学生逐步深入话题学习。教师通过创编文本四季歌,学生学说: In... it is... 启发和发散学生思维不断深入探讨四季话题。在语言情境中逐步推进知识学习,在课堂活动中培养学生的综合运用能力。基于对教材的理解和对学生的学情分析,从单元整体教学思想的角度,从语义理解、语用功能的实现以及情感的推进来设计教学内容和过程。 2.知识关联: 功能:四季,体验。 话题:四季及特点。 3.单元探究设计: 学情分析 1.年龄特征: 三年级学生好奇心强,喜爱游戏和活动,记忆力强,模仿能力强,喜爱听说,学习积 ... ...

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