
2024年课标版高考英语第二轮专题练习--阅读理解 考点分类练9 词句猜测题(3)(含答案与解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:82次 大小:1047496Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年课标版高考英语第二轮专题 考点分类练(九) 词句猜测题(3) (限时:25分钟) Passage 1 (2023湖南衡阳二模) Do you ever feel guilty for relaxing,even after you’ve worked hard all day Do you feel like you should be doing more despite working full hours and nearing burnout You may be experiencing productivity dysmorphia(生产力畸形).It is a way to describe the feeling of failing to recognize your accomplishments and wanting to continue doing more,even when you’re running on fumes. Author Anna Codrea-Rado who wrote an article about productivity dysmorphia claimed “it is the pursuit of productivity that drives us to do more while robbing us of the ability to enjoy any success we might encounter along the way”. Highly competitive and job-led culture contributes to constantly pursuing productivity that eats away at other areas of life.In fact,you’re often praised for putting productivity above your well-being.Remember how schools rewarded perfect attendance Similarly,companies prefer employees who get the maxi-mum work done while taking the fewest possible breaks.Rewards like these have strengthened that rest is bad and that being constantly at work is the right thing to do. Plus,the problem isn’t that the boss tells them to do it,but rather that they internalize the need to always be productive even when they’re going some-where to enjoy leisure time.Habits like these may be born out of the social pressure to find self-worth in work achievements. Some writers have even begun describing rest as productive,as if people should stop relaxing if it doesn’t improve performance in some way.Not only does this mindset make it difficult to view and celebrate your achievements,but it also pushes you to build your entire life around work.The only milestones that matter are achieving work goals.The worst part There’s no sense of fulfillment when you reach these goals. 1.What do the underlined words “running on fumes” mean in paragraph 1 A.Tired. B.Excited. C.Satisfied. D.Disappointed. 2.Which is the reason for constantly pursuing productivity A.Minor competitiveness. B.Pressure from jobs. C.Instructions from the boss. D.Internalized needs. 3.Which may be an example of productivity dysmorphia A.A man completes work in working hours. B.A man enjoys leisure time with his family. C.A woman works everywhere at anytime. D.A woman stops for a relaxation regularly. 4.What is the author’s attitude towards the description of some writers A.Favorable. B.Negative. C.Unconcerned. D.Neutral. Passage 2 (2023安徽蚌埠三模) Wheat and corn are used to make bread,pizza and other delicious foods,but in a few years they could also power your car.Renewable biofuels could soon replace the harmful fossil fuels that we’re used to using.It’s now well established that fossil fuels are incredibly harmful to our health and the environment and they’re not renewable,either.When so many people rely on petrol and diesel(柴油) to power vehicles,it makes sense ... ...

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