
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册UNIT 2 Out of this world Welcome to the unit & Reading课件(共60张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:12次 大小:2651543Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 2 Out of this world Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading 素养导航 明目标 语言 能力 必背 单词 absence cupboard ceiling bother occupy evaluate creature maintenance circumstance exposure visible luxury tube furthermore pill vital discipline leisure crew permanent altogether universe crucial orbit merely foundation purse tale origin frequency motive investment calculate assistant incredibly dust shelter constant 语言 能力 重点 短语 重点 句式 1.with的复合结构         2.be of+抽象名词 3.do/does/did+谓语动词 4.It+be+过去分词+that... 核心语法 主语从句 主题写作 写一篇新闻报道 come to an end     differ from      cast new light on lead to take place in the circumstances in view of at a speed of set up be based in be composed of lay the foundation for make sense of go beyond take advantage of 文化 意识 1.了解中国和其他国家在太空探索方面取得的巨大成就,学习和借鉴人类文明的优秀成果。 2.分析和思考人类探索宇宙的意义,做出正确的价值判断。 思维 品质 1.引导学生深入思考人类探索宇宙的意义并学习宇航员奋勇前进、直面挑战的宝贵品质,培养学生对未知世界的好奇心与探索精神; 2.加深学生对国家航天科技发展的认识,增强民族自豪感,激励学生未来为国家科技进步和航天事业发展贡献力量。 学习 能力 使用代词来实现指代,提高语篇的连贯性。 Part 1 Reading comprehension Part 2 Language points 目录索引 Part 1 Reading comprehension 第一步速读课文 理清脉络 Activity 1 Read for the main idea Read the text quickly and find out the main theme of the text. What astronauts’ lives are like on a space station. Activity 2 Read the text again and match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1  A.Working inside the space station. Para.2 B.Eating on the space station. Para.3 C.Leisure activities. Para.4 D.Exercising on the space station. Para.5 E.Sleeping on the space station. Para.6 F.Working outside the space station. Para.7 G.Introduction to the life on a space station. 第二步精读课文 领悟细节 Activity 3 Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1.Why do astronauts sleep in sleeping bags where they attach themselves on the space station A.To sleep well. B.Not to float around. C.Not to bother them any more. D.To start their day of work. 答案 B 2.Which is not included in their scientific research A.Evaluating the effects of low gravity on animals and plants. B.Locating and tracking lightning over large regions of the Earth. C.Checking support systems and doing some cleaning. D.Sending creatures to the station. 答案 D 3.What is the most challenging work except for A.Testing new equipment. B.Monitoring scientific experiments. C.Carrying out experiments in other research fields. D.Repairing the space station. 答案 C 4.What do spacesuits allow astronauts to do except for A.Keep their figures. B.Protect them from exposure to the cold. C.Prevent them from the radiation. D.Breathe in space. 答案 A 5.How does the lecturer justify her opinion A.By giving concrete examples. B.By explaining cause and effect. C.By ... ...

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