
Unit12 Weather 第二课时 课件+单元整体教学设计

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:81次 大小:7960787Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 4 The world around us 牛津深圳版四年级上册 Unit 12 Weather Period 2 Go to the park. Let’s talk I want to go to the park. I want to go to the park too. Let’s talk How’s the weather today, Kitty The first day Listen and answer. How’s the weather It’s rainy. Let’s talk How’s the weather today, Kitty The second day Listen and answer. How’s the weather It’s cloudy and windy. Let’s talk How’s the weather today The third day Listen and answer. How’s the weather It’s warm and sunny. Let’s talk Let’s go to the park. What can we do in the park Listen and fill. Ben can ____ his bike in the park. Kitty can _____. ride run Listen and read How’s the weather It’s warm and sunny. 1 How’s the weather, Kitty How’s the weather, Kitty It’s rainy. It’s cloudy and windy. 2 Listen and read 3 How’s the weather today, Kitty I can ride my bike in the park. It’s warm and sunny. It’s Sunday. Let’s go to the park. I can run in the park. 4 Fill and read 1 How’s the _____, Kitty How’s the _____, Kitty It’s ____. It’s _____ and _____. 2 weather rainy weather cloudy windy Fill and read 3 How’s the _____ today, Kitty I can _____ in the park. It’s _____ and _____. It’s _____. Let’s _____. I can ___ in the park. 4 weather warm sunny Sunday go to the park ride my bike run Let’s act Choose one picture to act it out. Act it out fluently. Let’s talk Now let’ s listen and enjoy! Listen and enjoy It’s sunny today. I take my cap. I take my cap. When I go out to play. It’s rainy today. I take my umbrella. I take my umbrella. When I go out to play. Look and say It’s windy. What can you do I can fly a kite. Look and say It’s sunny. What can you do I can ride my bike. Pair work It’s ... What can you do I can ... 1. Listening. 评价内容 自评情况 学生自评表 2. Speaking. 4. Writing. 3. Reading. 5. Acting. Summary 重点句型: 1. —How’s the weather —It’s sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy. 2. I can ride a bike. Blackboard design Unit 12 Weather 1. —How’s the weather —It’s sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy. 2. I can ride a bike. Homework Must do: Listen and read P58. Repeat the text. Choose to do: What can you do with your friends on a sunny/rainy/windy/cloudy day You can try to say. 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 12 Weather单元整体教学设计 单元课题 四年级上册Unit 12 教材页码 P58-61 单元主题 意义 本模块的教学主题是: The world around us. 涉及“人与自我”,“人与自然”两大主题范畴。本模块是基于第一册,第二册和第三册中的Module 4语言知识点的进一步升级,模块之间相互补充,互相配合,保证语言知识和语言技能螺旋式上升。本教材以话题为纲,强调语言的交际功能,注重情感激发,渗透文化,学科知识整合,培养学习策略,突出以人为本。本单元主题是Weather, 本单元是第四模块中的最后一个单元,天气是对于在日常生活中常常谈论的话题,对每个学生来说都很熟悉了。本单元主要谈论天气情况并谈论喜欢和不喜欢的天气。本单元还将继 ... ...

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