
Unit5 Signs cartoon 课件+素材(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:80次 大小:83285707Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 Signs (Cartoon&Sound&Culture) Sharp eyes How many signs can you see in the picture Sharp eyes How many signs can you see in the picture four Let’s review What does it mean It means you can’t eat or drink here. . It means you can’t smoke here. It means the floor is wet. It means you can’t litter here. . Look and say Where are they They are in the forest. Watch and choose What are they doing in the forest A.They are on an outing.(远足) B.They are having a picnic. Read and fill What is Bobby looking for 阅读第一部分找出答案。 Bobby is looking for _____. (寻找) bananas look for VS find look for 代表寻找的过程。 find 表示东西找到了。 Look and say What does it mean It means _____. you can’t eat bananas here. Why Read and find Why can’t Bobby and Sam eat bananas here Because there are a lot of monkeys around(附近). Monkeys like eating bananas. Read and imitate Let’s imagine What will happen next 接下来会发生什么呢? What will Bobby and Sam do (Bobby和Sam接下来会做什么呢?) What will the monkeys say to them (猴子们会说什么呢 ) 发挥自己的想象,给这个故事编一个结尾吧! Culture time Where can we see these signs at the metro station (在地铁站) Culture time In the UK, people call the metro “underground”. In the US, people call the metro “subway”. Culture time 每座城市的地铁标志都不一样,它们分别代表什么意思呢? Let’s learn more 上海地铁。由英文字母S和M组成,其中S代表上海,M代表地铁。而圆弧形似地铁的圆形区门隧道;M又像在隧道内相向而行的两辆地铁列车。 广州地铁logo一眼看过去,酷似一只“羊角”,大家都明白了这是结合了广州羊城的别称。此外,红色“V”字造型,让我很容易联想到代表胜利的“V”型手势。同时,又似两条铁轨向外延伸,很契合轨道交通不断壮大的属性。 Look and say What can you see in the picture girl bird The girl is happy.Why Listen and answer Why is the girl happy Because today is her birthday. / / bird dirty girl shirt skirt Let’s read The little bird said to the girl, “Why are you so happy today ” The girl said to the little bird, “Because today is my birthday! homework 1.Read and try to recite Cartoon time. 2.Search more information about signs on the Internet. 3.Finish the exercise on your worksheet.

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