
人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 5 The value of money Part 1 Listening and Speaking课件(18张ppt)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:2451105Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Part 1 Listening and Speaking Unit 5 The value of money 1.learn about the characteristics of a news report; 2.master the necessary skills of making inferences; 3.express their attitude to money and develop correct money values. Teaching aims Opening page What does Bacon's saying mean Money is a good servant and a bad master. --Francis Bacon Money is quite useful as a help to us to get what we need. However, if we let money rule our lives it will make us miserable. 金钱是善仆也是恶主。--培根 Discuss the good deed of returning lost money. Before you listen, discuss these questions in pairs. 1. What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life 2. What can people not buy with money 3. Is money the basis of a happy life Why or why not In order to have a good life, people should be able to buy food, clothes, a place to live, and medical care. The old saying that "You can't buy love" is certainly true. Money will not make people love you in a real way, nor will it build a happy family and strong friendships. Money is not the basis of a happy life, as many people are able to find joy in simple things of life, such as nature, their work, and their families. On the other hand, it can be quite hard to live without money, so realistically speaking, having enough money to meet the daily needs can help a person pay more attetion to things that bring joy. 为了 能够干某事 ...的基础 例如 另一方面 实事求是地说 将更多的注意力放在... Discussion 2. Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information. 1. Chen Liyan A .the owner of the lost money 2. Wang Zheng B. a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station 3. Ma Dongbao C. a police officer living in Chen's apartment building 4. LiuXia D .Chen's 16-year-old daughter 与...匹配 While listening Listen again and put these events in the correct order. Chen Liyan found Wang Zheng's money and returned it to him. Chen gave an interveiw to the local newspaper. Wang built a website to help raise funds for LiuXia. Ma Ongbao shared Chen's story with Wang. Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan. Wang offered Chen 5,000 yuan. 4 2 6 5 3 1 接受...的采访 集资,筹款 与...分享 While listening Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. It was the first time Chen Liyan's story was reported. 2. Chen found 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway station. 3. Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldn't offer her more money. 4.Chen took out a large loan to cure her daughter. 5. Wang set up a fund raising website for Chen's daughter after Chen told him about her situation. when 引导的定语从句,其中when 省略. apologize v.道歉谢罪 apology n.道歉,认错 apologize to sb. 向某人道歉 设立,创立 F F F T F While listening Discuss your answers to the questions with your partner and explain your reasoning. 1. What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is 2. Did Chen return the money because she did ... ...

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