

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:4860532Byte 来源:二一课件通
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different vegetables and meat inside.Sometimes,people put a cein()inside.If you happen to get the coin,you will have good luck.People think eating dumplings is a good way to stay healthy.As the old saying goes,"Eating dumplings on Dongzhi keeps the ears from frostbite( 伤).” In the south of China,people eat tangyuan on the day of Dongzhi.The little tangyuan balls are made from sticky rice.They have different kinds of sweet fillings().People hope eating tangyuan can bring them a happy and sweet life.In some places,people also make a special kind of rice wine().The drink helps keep the body warm on cold days. ()57.What do people in the north of China eat on December 22nd A.Dumplings. B.Rice wine. C.Tangyuan. D.Rice dumplings. )58.If you want to have good luck,you put_ into dumplings. A.different vegetables B.different meat C.a coin D.different kinds of sweet fillings ()59.The underlined words“sticky rice'”in Paragraph3 means“ ”in Chinese. A.小麦 B.糯米 C.蔬菜 D.面粉 )60.What is NOT true about Dec 22 A.Chinese people call it dongzhi. B.It means the coming of winter. C.It is the longest day of the year. D.It is the coldest winter day. D Dorothy and Toto walk along the yellow road for a long time.When they are tired,they stop in a field by the road.Not far away,,there is a scarecrow(稻草人),and Dorothy and Toto walk across to look at it."Good day,"says the Scarecrow."Oh!"says Dorothy."You can speak!""Of course I can speak,"says the Scarecrow."But I can't move,up here on this pole (杆子)..I'd like to get down.Can you help me " Carefully,Dorothy takes the Scarecrow off his pole."Thank you very much,"says the Scarecrow.He moves his arms and legs,and straw()goes everywhere."Who are you "he asks."And where are you going ""Tm Dorothy,and I'm going to the Emerald City.I want to go home to Kansas,but I don't know the way.I'm going to ask the Wizard of Oz for help." "Where is the Emerald Citv "asks the Scarecrow."And who is the Wizard of Oz I don't know anything,you see,because I have no brains()in my head-only straw." “Oh dear!”"says Dorothy.“I'm very sorry.” "I would very much like to have some brains,"the Scarecrow says. 6Can I go to the Emerald City with you Perhaps the Wizard of Oz can give me some brains.What do you think " 灯don't know,”says Dorothy.But yes,.please come with me..He's a famous wizard(巫师), so perhaps he can help you."Sbe feels very sorry for the Scarecrow."Don't be afraid of Toto,"she says..“He never hurts people..” )61.Who does Dorothy meet in a field A.Toto. B.A scarecrow. C.Straw. D.a lion )62.What does the Scarecrow ask Dorothy to do A.Give him somc brains. B.Take him up the pole. C.Go with him to Emerald City. D.Take him off the pole. )63.What does the Scarecrow have now in his head A.Straw. B.Brains. C.Stones. D.we don't know. 七年级英语第6页(共8页)

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