
外研版七年级上册英语 Module 1 Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou. 教案

日期:2024-05-14 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:63次 大小:13017Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版七年级上册英语 《Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou.》教案 一、教材分析: 本课是外研版七年级上册Starter Module 1的第一单元,题为《Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou.》。本单元主要介绍了英语字母的写法、基本的问候语和礼貌用语。通过学习本单元,学生将学会正确书写26个英文字母,并掌握基本的问候用语和礼貌用语。 二、教学目标: 1. 掌握基本的问候语和礼貌用语,如"Good morning"、"How are you "、"Thank you"等。 2. 熟练书写26个英文字母,并正确发音。 3. 培养学生的礼貌和乐于助人的品质。 三、教学重点和难点: 重点:英文字母的书写和发音;基本的问候语和礼貌用语的掌握。 难点:发音准确性和字母书写的规范性。 四、学情分析: 学生是七年级的学生,初学英语,对英文字母和基本的问候语还不太熟悉。他们对新鲜的事物充满好奇,喜欢互动和参与。他们的注意力集中时间较短,需要通过多种形式的活动来激发他们的兴趣。 五、教学过程: Step 1: 导入新课 1. 教师展示一幅包含26个英文字母的图片,并引导学生观察字母的形状和发音。 - Teacher: "Class, let's take a look at these letters. Can you tell me the name and sound of each letter " - Students: "A, / /; B, /bi /; C, /si /; ..." 2. 教师出示几个场景的图片,让学生猜测并说出相应的问候语。 - Teacher: "Look at this picture. What should we say when we meet someone in the morning " - Students: "Good morning!" Step 2: 学习英文字母 1. 教师逐个介绍并展示26个英文字母的形状和发音,学生跟读。 - Teacher: "Let's learn the letters one by one. Repeat after me. A, B, C..." - Students: "A, B, C..." 2. 教师逐个教授每个字母的书写方法,引导学生模仿书写,并纠正他们的笔画顺序和书写姿势。 - Teacher: "Now, let's learn how to write the letters. Watch me as I write the letter 'A'. Pay attention to the strokes and direction. Now, it's your turn to write it on your notebooks." - Students: *practice writing the letter 'A'* 3. 教师与学生一起朗读字母表,同时进行字母书写的练习。 - Teacher: "Let's recite the alphabet together. A, B, C..." - Students: "A, B, C..." - Teacher: "While we recite the alphabet, let's write the letters in the air with our fingers. Follow along with me." Step 3: 学习问候语和礼貌用语 1. 教师教授常用的问候语和礼貌用语,如"Good morning"、"How are you "、"Thank you"等,并解释其用法和含义。 - Teacher: "Now, let's learn some common greetings and polite phrases. Repeat after me. Good morning." - Students: "Good morning." 2. 教师通过角色扮演和学生互动,模拟真实的问候场景,让学生在实践中掌握正确的语言表达方式。 - Teacher: "Let's imagine I'm your friend, and we meet in the morning. What would you say to greet me " - Student 1: "Good morning, Miss Zhou. How are you " - Teacher: "I'm fine, thank you. And how are you " - Student 1: "I'm good, thank you." Step 4: 练习与巩固 1. 学生分组进行问候对话练习,每组学生轮流扮演不同的角色进行问候。 - Teacher: "Now, let's practice greeting each other in pairs. One student will be the greeter, and the other will respond. Switch roles after each practice." - Students: *practice greetings in pairs* 2. 学生用英文写下自己的名字,并尝试互相问候,如"Good morning, Emma"、"How are you, John "等。 - Teacher: "Write your names on the board in Engli ... ...

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