
Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C storytime 课件+教案+素材(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-05-06 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:68次 大小:67900180Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 7:50 Where How Why Oh, poor can ! 7:50 8:00 Where How Why Can's way home Read P55 and circle. Can's way home Q: Who will he meet (遇见) Sorry. I'm busy. Sorry. I'm busy to ____. Can you help me? I want to go home. 7:50 忙的 Who helps the can Watch and answer. busy Who helps the can Watch and answer. busy Why not 阅读2-3段,找一找原因 … … Haha! Oh, no! A naughty bear kicks the can. What's he like The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey. Look at that ____ can. poor 可怜的 Come on! We’re late for school. Help! 迟到 7:55 Act in two. busy naughty late for school Why not 阅读2-3段,找一找原因 The can falls between two fish. Let’s give it to Zoom. He can help. Here comes a ____. can Mr Fish Ms Fish Let's act(演一演) Can Zoom help me Zoom catches the can. Thank you. Home, sweet home. Let me help you! Read along the story(模仿语音语调) Zoom, Zip! You are late! Sorry. Because.... 8:05 Tips: 1.4人小组表演故事,可自选挑战难度; 2.一人旁白,其他同学可分饰多角色; 3.发挥想象,可以加上自己的语言去充实和拓展故事。 Let's act Act P1(表演图1) Act P5(表演图5) Act P2—4(表演图2—4) Act all the story(表演整个故事) Who can help me I want to go home. Let me help you. I can put the _____. Home, sweet home. Thank you! Home, sweet home. Thank you! You are so sweet! Do sweet things. Be a sweet person. Homework 1.Act out the story after class. 2. Help and keep things in order in the daily life. Thank you上课年级 课题名称 五年级 PEP Unit 5 Story Time 教学材料分析 故事板块呈现的是一个易拉罐的“旅行”故事,学生除了复习巩固本单元的核心语言,还可以通过图片和上下文理解over, busy, naughty, poor, catch, kick等单词的意思,逐步掌握故事的发展脉络并对人物及其行为进行思考。 教学目标分析 1、学生能在语境中理解新词kick, be late for, naughty, poor。2、学生能结合所学旧知对图片进行描述。3、学生能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内容,复习巩固本单元重点语言。4、学生能选取一个或多个场景进行对话表演。 5、学生能在板书的帮助下复述故事内容。6、通过故事教学,帮助学生培养乐于助人的品质,并逐渐形成环保意识。 重难点分析 重点:1.学生能够在图片的帮助下理解并听说naughty, poor, catch等词汇2.学生能够了解故事并能根据关键提示讲述故事。难点:学生能够声情并茂地表演故事以及复述故事梗概。 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 热身导入 1. 师生简单问候2. 找单词游戏,根据单词绘制简笔画 1. 与教师交流2. 完成游戏 通过交流与游戏拉近师生距离,导入话题 整体呈现故事 1. 描述简笔画图片There is /are …2.猜故事主题The story is about…3. 观看视频回答问题What’s the story about 1. 学生运用句型描述图片内容2. 根据图片猜测故事内容3. 观看故事视频,回答问题 通过简笔画自然导入故事,培养学生的猜图能力,并通过完整呈现让学生整体感知故事。 呈现讲解图1 1.听录音回答问题Q1: Where is the can Q2: How does he feel 2.呈现并描述图片_____beside the river. He is sad.3.阅读图1并回答问题Q1: Why is he sad Q2: Where is his home Q3: Who does he ask for help 4. 跟读并表演对话Can: Can you help me I want to go home.Bird: Sorry. I am busy. 1.学生听力,找出关键信息,回答相关问题。2. 结合关键信 ... ...

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