
牛津译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Back to School Extended reading教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:46次 大小:30292Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《英语》(必修·第一册) Unit 1 Back to school Extended reading I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: locate and describe some specific information related to the school life in the UK; compare the similarities and differences between school life in the UK and in China; verbalize their own ideal school by describing its facilities, courses, faculties and others and explain the reasons. II. Key competence focus 1. Compare school life in the UK and that in China. III. Predicted areas of difficulty 1. Understand the author’s attitude towards school life in the UK. 2. Write a narration about dream school by employing what has been learnt. IV. Teaching procedures steps procedures reflection Step 1 Lead-in 1. T greets the students and asks them to answer the following question: What is your senior high school life like (Students talk about the biggest difference between the lives of junior high school and senior high school.) 2. T asks the students to answer the following question: What do you know about school life in the UK 【设计意图:紧扣主题,用学生熟悉的话题作为预设教学目标的情境载体导入,创造生动活泼有趣的课堂氛围,激活学生已有的知识和经验。】 Step 2 Title prediction T asks the students to answer the following question: Can you predict what aspects might be included in the article 【设计意图:通过预测制造悬念,激发学生研读语篇的兴趣。】 Step 3 Global reading 1. Understanding the structure (1) T asks the students to answer the following question: What is the structure of a narration Reference answer: beginning, body, ending (2) T guides the students to read the article again, find answers to the following questions and fill in the missing information: How many parts can we divide the article into What’s the main idea of each part Beginning (Part 1) Para. _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Body (Part 2) Paras. _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Ending (Part 3) Para. _____ _____ 【设计意图:引导学生通过获取、概括、整合等思维训练活动,从宏观层面理清语篇结构,把握语篇信息,为进一步挖掘语篇深层信息搭建“脚手架”。培养学生查找处理信息的能力。】 Step 4 Detailed reading Understanding the details (1) T asks the students to read the passage again and answer the following questions: What aspects of school life in the UK are included in the article Fill in the missing information. _____ _____ ( _____ moving around ) ( about _____ students per class )_____ ( _____: very important ) _____ less _____ lots of options including bread and butter, chicken and puddings _____ many, _____ and _____ included What challenges was he confronted with How did he overcome them What are the similarities and differences between the school systems in the UK and in China the UK VS China ( 9:00-16:00 ? )Timetable ( ? ) Subjects ( _____ moving around ) ( Students moving around ) ( About _____ Ss per class ) ( About 20 Ss per class ) Classes ( Discussion : _____ _ ) ( Discussion : very important ) ( lots of options ... ...

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