
2024届河北省石家庄市普通高三毕业年级教学质量摸底检测英语试卷(扫描版含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:24次 大小:7380995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    石家庄市2024届普通高中学校毕业年级教学质量摸底检测 英语参考答案 听力(20×1.5=30):1-5 CBBCC6-10 ACBAB11一15 BBACA16-20 CAAAC 阅读(20×2.5=50):21-23ABC24-27BBDA28-31BCAC32-35ADCB36-40 AEFGC 完形填空(15×1=15):4145 DABCA46-50 BACDB51-55 CDACB 语法填空(10×1.5=15):56.called pletely 58.challenges 59.where 60.has become 61.awareness 62.developing 63.to 64.to accept 65.a 写作(15+25=40分): 参考例文: 第一节 Dear Bruce, Hope this letter finds you well.As the leader of our group project on Wildlife Protection,I'd like to share our ideas with you and seek your guidance We plan to create an informative brochure highlighting the importance of wildlife conservation and ways in which we can contribute to it.We also intend to organize a school-wide campaign to raise the awareness about the issue. Could you please provide us with some suggestions and feedback on our project idea We greatly appreciate your support and expertise. Yours, Li Hua 第二节 I attach her harness to a tree and I feel my way along the fence.I knock on the door,hoping he'll answer this time.After a few moments,I hear footsteps approaching."Good morning,Mr.Groll!"I say,trying to sound cheerful.There is no response but I can sense his presence behind the fence.I take another deep breath and continue,"I know you like roses,and so do I.Maybe we can talk about them some time ""Sure...Mai,"he responds hesitantly.As we stand there,surrounded by the beautiful roses,I feel the tension between us slowly disappearing.We talk about the flowers and even our favorite checkers game.When I express my curiosity about his ignoring me,there is a moment of silence and then I hear him clear his throat. "A German shepherd is a very...big dog,"he says in a voice that tells me he thinks I will laugh at him. Sensing his nervousness,I reassure him that Cho is my friend and he will be gentle and nice.I persuade him to go with me and command Cho up.Cho leaps to its feet,snorting happily.He even sniffs and licks Mr.Groll's hands with his tongue.Mr.Groll is taken aback but then we both share a laugh.From that moment,I realize that sometimes it takes courage to break down barriers and make new friends.And sometimes all it takes is a shared love for something as simple as a rose to bridge the gap between two people. (注:“一个故事,多种结尾”,此文仅供参考)第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A The UK has a rich literary heritage,with cities packed with bookshops,literary landmarks and comfortable cafes.If you love books,try onc of these:city breaks. York Earning a remarkable "bookspiration"score of 9.4/10,York has claimed the title of the best UK city for book lovers.Having the highest number of reading spots per 100,000 people among all cities analysed,literary lovers will find themselves spoiled for choice in this city.Home to 20 libraries and 33 highly-rated bookshops, this serves as a significant literary resource ... ...

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