
Unit2 My school Lesson 6 教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:72次 大小:1556526Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 Unit2 My school-L6 主备人 授课人 一、教学目标语言能力:1.学生能够根据图片和练习题进行简单的英语加减法练习。2.学生能够听读故事,并对故事情节能够理解。思维品质:1.学生能够通过listen and order的形式,对故事情节进行排序。2.学生能够通过表演故事,形成良好的语言表达能力和表现能力。学习能力:1.学生能够根据提供的视频、音频素材进行模仿、跟读,形成正确的语音语调。2.学生能够通过数学计算题,锻炼学科融合力。文化品质:学生能够通过对故事的感知、表演理解故事的情节,并知道如何交朋友。二、教学重点及难点重点:英语与数学学科的融合能力。难点:理解并表演故事。三、教具准备PPT、人物卡片 教学过程:Step1 Preparation (5min)Greetings(2min)T: Hi, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss Yin!Look and say(PPT2)(3min)T shows a picture of chair on the screen.Ss reads the words according to the picture.E.g.T: Is this a table Ss: No. It’s a chair.Purpose: To review the content they’ve learned and lead to the next step.Step2 Presentation (18min)Look and count and say the number(PPT3-8)(7min) T presents some mathematics. Ss do the mathematics and say the number. Listen, point and say.(PPT9)(4min) T presents the exercises on the screen and plays the audio. Ss listen to the audio and say the number.Look and say(PPT10)(2min) T shows four pictures and asks some questions about the pictures. Ss say something about the pictures.Listen and order(PPT10)(5min) T shows four pictures on the screen and plays the audio. Ss answer the question by observing and order the pictures after listening.Step3 Practice (10min)1.Listen and act(PPT11)(4min) T plays the audio again and asks some students act out the story. Ss act out the story.Purpose: To imitate the actions and expression in the video. To help students build confidence.2.Do some exercises(PPT13-18)(6min)T:Now,let’s do some exercisesStep4 Production (5min) Think and say(PPT12)(5min) T shows a picture and say something about making friends. Ss talk about how to make friends.Purpose: To act out the story and help Ss understand the content. To practice Ss ability of thinking.Step 5 Homework (2mins) 1.Complete the Activity book from page10 to 112.Do mathematics 修改补充: 板书: 教后记:1.课堂评价具体内容自我评价情况说明很满意较满意不太满意课堂语言与组织到位目标达成重难点突破策略方法板书设计学情反馈2.改进设想: 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com/" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)

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