
Module 10 Unit 2 Don’t shout, please!教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:51次 大小:34970Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 10 Unit 2 Don’t shout, please! 【教学目标】 1.通过图片、任务认领等环节,全部学生能初步学会运用祈使句型Don’t… 2.通过听、跟读、自读等多种形式,学生能正确理解课文内容 3.通过知识拓展、交流,学生能了解公共场所常用图标的含义,并能用Don’t…句型表达 4.通过较大容量的语言输入,初步培养学生用英语思考和交流的习惯及在情境中灵活运用所学句型的能力和知识迁移能力。 5.学生通过合作学习能够形成一定的团队精神,认识一些日常生活中的安全行为和文明行为,养成良好的社会公德和学习习惯。 【教学重点】 理解课文内容,能在适当的语境中用Don’t…句型表达自己的意愿。 【教学难点】 能结合所学的语言知识,通过联系生活实际,灵活运用祈使句型Don’t 【教学过程】 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk Hello, boys and girls, How are you We know, New Year’s Day is coming, many people will have plans of traveling Do you like traveling Me, too. So, let’s enjoy some pictures. 3. Show some pictures, are they beautiful (出示一些旅行中美景再出示一些不文明现象的图片,再问) Are they beautiful 师:这些行为好不好,你想对他们说些什么?可以用中文。 所以旅行途中,不文明的行为会使我们的美景黯然失色,而在生活中,不文明的行为会给我们的社会蒙羞,所以今天我们一起来学习有关文明礼仪的内容,Let’s learn Module 10 Manners ( 文明礼仪)Unit 2 Don’t shout , please What’s the meaning of shout (show the word card and read it ), Fist, let’s review some words , look at the picture and tell me the word ,(看图猜单词),ok 3. Show other pictures. What’s this Grass (Ss repeat) Is it beautiful So, Don’t walk on the grass. (Ss read one by one) What is it Dangerous Who want repeat /Can you ( 指名读) It’s very dangerous, so, Don’t climb the tree. (Ss repeat and read it one by one, group by group) 4.Guessing game. T: Now ,I do the action ,you guess the word or phrase(看动作猜单词或词组)ok 学习词组,swim in the river /draw on the wall/take photos /smoke 5.Play a game : “Bingo” 6. Chant. (with the actions ,2 times) Step 2 learn the text 1. OK, we know ,in public , 在公共场合,(教师做动作) Don’t climb the tree, Don’t shout ,Don’t smoke . at school, teacher often tells us , Don’t... (出示图片,引导学生说) 2. Activity2 ,last week , Amy and Sam with their mun Ms smart went to the park ,then what happen Let’s listen and think about the question: In the park, what can’t we do 听完第一遍,教师带领学生,Look at picture 1, Amy and Sam are shouting , So the woman said to them , “Don’t .... 所以现在我们知道了,在公园里,不能。。。(教师动作)爬树,不能踩草地,身边有小朋友的时候不能大声喧哗。 Now let’s listen and repeat. Now read in your group, then I want some class to act out, ok 3. Now let’s have the summary, In the park, Don’t ... (看图说句子) But what can we do in the park Can we run Say the sentences with “You can...” who want try Step 3 Practice 1. T: In the library, what can we do (图片)Can we run /sing... Who can sentences with (You can ... / Don’t...) 2. Work in groups. 在教室里,哪些是我们能做和不能做的事情呢? Let’s make a classroom rules,让我们一起来为我们班制定一些关于文明礼仪的班 ... ...

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