
Module 12 Help测试卷 A卷基础篇 初中英语外研版八上(含解析)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:150374Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 12(A卷基础篇) 温馨提示: 本试卷共分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题;考试时间为100分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 选择题 一、单项选择 1.An _____ happened last night. Many houses fell down and many people died in it. A.accident B.activity C.earthquake D.electricity 2.— Whose is the book written by Yang Jiang — Carol’s favorite writer is Yang Jiang. It _____ be hers. A.mustn’t B.must C.can’t D.can 3.—Is that girl under the tree Mary —No, it _____ be Mary. She is in Beijing now. A.can’t B.needn’t C.wouldn’t D.shouldn’t 4.—I have great _____ in learning English and I’m so worried. Could you help me —Sure, I’d love to. A.trouble B.interest C.advice D.fun 5.Some of the tired students keep their eyes_____ in breaks. A.opened B.close C.closed D.open 6.Lucy is _____ a kind girl _____ all her friends like to stay with her. A.such; that B.so; that C.too; to D.enough; for 7. buy your ticket from a ticket machine. There are lots of people there. A.Not B.Not to C.Don’t D.Don’t to 8.A little wine will not be _____ to your health. A.helpful B.helpless C.harmful D.harmless 9.Although the dog doesn’t bark, you must _____ it. A.be care for B.take care of C.be careful of D.take care 二、完形填空 This story happened in a small mountain village. One day there was an earthquake. Nothing was destroyed and nobody was hurt. But a huge rock fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road. When the earthquake 10 , many people came to the road and saw the huge rock. Some of the strongest men tried to lift the rock off the road. But they couldn't move it. They tried to push it but failed. They tried to 11 it with ropes but nothing worked. “Well,” they all agreed. “There's nothing we can do about it. We'll have to change the 12 .” At this time a boy of 12 years old said, “I think I can help you to move the rock.” “You ” they shouted. “What are you talking about ” The men all 13 at the boy. The next morning some people came into the street. One of them shouted, “The rock is 14 !” More people ran out to see. It was right. The rock wasn't in the road any more. It wasn't even near the road. “This is impossible,” they said. “Where did it go ” The boy stood in the street, 15 , “I told you I could move it last night.” The boy walked over to where the 16 had been and uncovered some earth. “I buried it,” he said. The people looked 17 . “You see,” he said, “I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline(斜坡) up to the rock and the rock 18 down into the hole by itself. I covered it with earth.” The crowds shouted, “What a 19 boy!” And some of them said, “Why haven't we thought of this good idea ” 10.A.stops B.started C.happened D.stopped 11.A.push B.lift C.change D.pull 12.A.road B.stone C.rope D.village 13.A.looked B.laughed C.called D.pointed 14.A.gone B.missed C.broken D.stolen 15.A.crying B.smiled C.thinking D.smiling 1 ... ...

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