
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and Talking课件(共28张PPT+19音频)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:32次 大小:30591517Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Wildlife Different species Hunt illegally Destroy habitat Dying out At an alarming rate Endangered species Mass extinction Taken measures Stop hunting Concern about their living environment Press the authority to carry out law Raise awareness Wildlife protection Endangered Species Shark Antelope Quokka Lesser panda Tiger Pallas cat Endangered Species Sea otter Peregrine falcon Polar bear Endangered Species × When the buying stops, the killing can too. --WildAid What should we DO to correct our mistake What are those POSTERS telling us LISTENING How many questions are asked in this conversation Have you seen that poster at the club Why are so many species dying It seems like people need to be more aware. Talking about the content of the poster Talking about the reason why so many species are dying Talking about what should people do Which of the following reason is not mentioned in this conversation Hunting and killing Pollution Natural disaster What does the woman think people should do Make more posters about it Protect wildlife’s habitat Stop polluting the earth What on Earth Are We Doing to Our Planet Our planet’s _____ is dying out at an alarming rate. Between ____ and _____ species are becoming extinct every day. This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat _____, and pollution. We must make people aware of the problem and help _____ the endangered wildlife before it’s too late. wildlife loss protect 150 200 In the ____ years since I was born, we’ve lost around _____ of African elephant’s population, of these that are left _____ are killed every year, that is ____ elephants killed every _____ day. That means there are elephants which are being killed _____ What did Prince William think of China about wildlife protection China has made a lot of progress. China can become a global leader in wildlife protection. China preserves its natural habitats well. 33 70% 20,000 54 single right now 1. When did the man first see the dog A. Last week B. Three weeks ago C. Three months ago 2. What is the dog like A. Unfriendly B. Funny D. Low—spirited 3. What will Dean do today Have a check—up Go to an animal hospital Practice baseball 4. Why doesn’t the woman keep pets She can’t afford the cost. She can’t stand their deaths. She can’t spare time for them. 1. What is Audubon most interested in A. Painting pictures B. Birds C. Teaching 2. When was the National Audubon Society founded A. In 1905 B. In 1851 C. In 1785 3. Why was the National Audubon Society set up A. To help pass laws B. To continue Audubon’s nature studies C. To teach people how to protect their environment THANKFUL CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU!!! Endangered animals need more professional protection, but there are still things we can do--Help the Wildlife in Your Neighborhood! Birds are the most easily seen wildlife in cities. Things one need to watch bird 1. binoculars 2. bird feeder 3. bird field guide 1. Binocular ... ...

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