
Unit 5 Music Revision of Words and Expressions 课件(19张PPT)高中英语 新人教版 必修二

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:12次 大小:94498Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Music Revision of Words and Expressions(2) 高中英语 Learning objectives In this class, you will 1. better understand the meaning and usage of the words and phrases we have learnt in this unit in context; 2. rewrite sentences using words and phrases from this unit; plete sentences , a dialogue and a passage using words and phrases we have learnt in this unit. 高中英语 1. Let's review the meaning of the words and expressions in red in the sentences. 1.The song suddenly reminded me of my childhood. 使(某人)想起… 2.The change is sure to become a worldwide phenomenon. 全球化现象 3.Traditional Chinese music has an increasing influence on the world. 对… …有很大的影响 4. We, as ordinary individuals, can also take part in the virtual choir. 5.Music is capable of inspiring hope. 普通的个体,普通人 有能力做…; 高中英语 1. Let's review the meaning of the words and expressions in red in the sentences. 6.Last night I went to see my friend's new rockband perform in a famous studio. n.工作室 n.乐队 7.Peaceful music enables me to forget about the problems. 8.Listening to light music makes positive impacts on sleep. 9.I fell in love with rap music when I turned fifteen. 使某人能够做某事 对…有积极影响 爱上… 高中英语 1. Let's review the meaning of the words and expressions in red in the sentences. 12.From then on, the custom of dancing to the music spread among the people. 10.Various original compositions make this musical festival well-known to fans all over the world. 11. Setting up the piano can be tricky. 安排;创建;设置;调试 adj.各种各样的 从(那)时起 原创音乐 高中英语 1. Let's review the meaning of the words and expressions in red in the sentences. 13.I am very grateful for the conductor to give me an opportunity to 给某人一个机会做某事 try out. 14. Altogether, ,40,000 individuals joined in the Strawberry Music Festival. adv. 完全地;总共;总而言之 15.It is the rock that they lean on to get through the hard times. 度过,熬过(困难时期等) 高中英语 1. Let's review the meaning of the words and expressions in red in the sentences. 16.Moreover, music gives people hope and a sense of satisfaction. being n. 身心,存在,生物 17.Singing can create a sense of well-being. adv. 而且;此外 满足感 1. Rachel is listening to peaceful music to help her concentrate on her study. 2. Sad love songs often touch the souls of those who listen to them. 3. Tony is trying out for a band that is looking for a guitar player. 高中英语 2. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box. aim, previous, peaceful, phenomenon, somehow, souls, trying out (for), Romantic 4. This new variety of music is a phenomenon that is spreading around the world. 5. The aim of this music festival is to bring people of different cultures together. 6. Many styles of music start as a reaction to a previous one by changing it somehow in one way or another. 高中英语 2. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from t ... ...

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