

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:87次 大小:16511371Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) How to complete a gap-filling task A Few Tips for Self-Acceptence We all want it... to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. __1__ Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction. ●__2__ Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs Know that your life is your own; you are the only you in this world. ●Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures. __3__ You will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心) response "That didn’t go as planned. But, I tried my best." ●Recognize all of your strengths. Write them down in a journal. Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness. List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today. __4__ ●Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections. Turn the page in your journal. Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don’t feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself. __5__ Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are (2020全国1卷) 年份 卷别 体裁 主题语境与语篇内容 设空位置 段首 段中 段尾 2023 全国甲卷 说明文 人与自我: 如何做一名有耐心的人 0 3 2 2023 全国乙卷 说明文 人与自然:室内植物的好处及你能种植哪些室内植物 1 3 1 2023 新课标全国I卷 说明文 人与自我:如何自我宽恕 0 4 1 2023 新课标全国II卷 说明文 人与社会:介绍了一些开始艺术之旅的好建议和技巧 1 3 1 2022 新课标全国I卷 说明文 人与社会:如何找一起锻炼的伙伴 0 4 1 2022 新课标全国II卷 说明文 人与自我:介绍了三个写文章的技巧 1 4 0 2022 全国乙卷 说明文 人与社会:如何维持远距离的友谊 3 1 1 2022 全国甲卷 说明文 人与社会:餐桌礼仪以及注意事项 1 3 1 2021 新课标全国I卷 记叙文 人与社会:作业与丈夫在巴黎的租房经历及居住感受 1 4 0 What will we study Gap-filing 01 02 03 Structure Cohesion Logic Learning aims 1. To develop students' ability to understand structure of the text and get the main idea quickly; 2. Cultivate students' ability to grasp the logical relationship between paragraphs and sentences, learn to use the micro-skills to solve the gap-filling; 3.Increase students’ abilities to face challenges positively and solve them confidently. A Few Tips for Self-Acceptence We all want it... to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. __1__ Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction. ●__2__ Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs Know that your life is yo ... ...

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