

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:61次 大小:4770530Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Continuation Writing 读后续写(丢失的金币) 万瑜 The Lost Gold Coin 深度解读,合理构思 Teaching objectives At the end of the class, you will be able to Learn and understand the elements of the original passage by reading carefully; Create a logical, positive and coherent ending of the story by working individually; Use basic skills on continuation writing to share and evaluate writing tasks between groups. The key elements(要素)of a story Setting(when+where) Character(who) Action(what) Feeling(how+why) A story always involves characters’ ongoing actions and feelings in different settings. The Lost Gold Coin Activity1 Read for setting/characters Once each year the veterans held a reunion dinner. On one of these occasions they met in the home of Clinton, who had made a good deal of money and had grown self-important. Clinton produced a curiosity by showing them a large coin, about whose age and value he kept talking for long. Each man examined it with interest as it passed around the long table. All had drunk wine freely and the room was resounded with noisy talk, so that the gold piece was soon forgotten. Later, when Clinton wanted to get it back, however, the coin was missing. 2 After the First World War, a small group of veterans(老兵) returned to their village in France. Most of them managed to get along quite well, but one—Barton, who had been wounded and never recovered his strength—was unable to work regularly. In time he became penniless(身无分文的). Yet he was too proud to accept charity from the people in the village. 1 when where who Instantly there arose questions and denials. Finally the village lawyer suggested everyone be searched, to which all agreed—except Barton. His companions looked at him with surprise. “You refuse, then ” asked Clinton.Barton turned red. “Yes,” he said. “I cant allow it.” “Do you realize,” asked the owner of the gold piece, “What you refusal implies ” “I did not steal the gold piece, and I will not submit to such a search.” Barton answered firmly. One by one, the rest of the group turned out their pockets. When the coin failed to appear, attention was focused once more on poor Barton again. “Surely you will not persist in your refusal ”the lawyer demanded. Barton made no reply. Clinton walked out of the room in anger. No one addressed another word to Barton and he returned to his home. From that day on, Barton was a disgraced man. People turned their eyes away when they met him. He grew poorer, and when his wife died not long afterward, no one knew whether it was from want or shame. 3 4 Activity1 Read for main actions Barton problem solution Where was the coin Clinton Activity2 A story mountain opening build up problem ending Barton was wounded and penniless, but he was to accept help. At a reunion party, Clinton, a man, showed a gold coin The gold coin was soon . Everyone agreed to be except Barton. solution too proud self- import ... ...

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