
人教版高中英语必修二 UNIT 2 Period IV Listening and Talking(课件)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:12496290Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION Period IV Listening and Talking Step I 学习理解 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Do you still remember the animals in the pictures above What other animals are also in danger 1 2 3 1. blue whale 2. Tibetan antelope 3. African elephants Birds are also in a dangerous state. Look at the three pictures and if you know what they are. And then match the words with the pictures. 1 binoculars _____ 2 bird feeder _____ 3 bird field guide _____ 双筒望远镜 B 喂鸟器 A 鸟类图鉴  C Expressing purposes This is used for... I did it to/in order to/so as to... He has done it so that/in order that... Learn the expressions about expressing purposes. Choose the right ending for each sentence. 1. Binoculars _____. 2. Build bird feeders _____. 3. Use a bird field guide _____. 4. Put paper cut-outs on windows _____. A. in order to identify birds B. so that birds do not crash into them C. to make sure that birds have enough food D. are used for watching birds from far away D C  A B Who are the teenagers Where are they What are they doing Why are they doing it Listen and answer the questions. They are from a birdwatching club. In the Qinling Mountains. They are searching for new wild birds and looking them up in their field guide. It’s interesting and they can practise it anywhere. 1. They got up early _____ search for wild birds. 2. I’ve brought a field guide _____ we can look up the birds we see. 3. My dad gave me the binoculars _____ we can see the birds better. 4. Birdwatching clubs clean up habitats, build bird feeders, and put paper cut-outs on windows _____ protect birds. Listen again and use the phrases you hear to fill in the blanks. so as to  so that  in order that  in order to Step II 应用实践 Narrator: It’s 5:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and some teenagers have gathered in the Qinling Mountains. They got up early so as to search for wild birds. A: OK, is everybody ready Do you have all the equipment B: I’ve brought a bird field guide so that we can look up the birds we see. It’s a really good field guide. It’s got descriptions of all the main types of birds, and even a CD with lots of birdsong. C: Great! My dad gave me these binoculars in order that we can see the birds better. They’re really powerful. A: Cool, so let’s go. [Soft footsteps as they walk away.] Listen again and read aloud, paying attention to the expressions to show purposes. Listen again and read aloud, paying attention to the expressions to show purposes. A: Shh... Do you hear that [Birdsong.] B: I think that’s a... Give me the binoculars! C: What can you see B: Yes, there it is! Wow, it’s a... [Fade out.] Narrator: Birdwatching is an interesting hobby that you can do anywhere. The Qinling Mountains are one of the best birdwatching sites in China, but you can also find many species in your local park. Birdwatching clubs clean up habitats, build bird feeders, and put paper ... ...

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