ID: 18211062

Module 9 Unit 1 Are you sad 课件(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:25821985B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 外研社一年级起点 五年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you sad Warm-up. happy He is happy. He is angry. 愤怒的 angry sad He is sad. He is bored. bored surprise She is surprised. 1. Is Lingling sad No,she isn't. 2. Is Lingling angry No,she isn't. 3.Is Lingling bored No,she isn't. 4.What's the matter with Lingling She is thinking. Amy is going to make a surprise present for Christmas! present It’s a secret, Amy. Tell me, please! secret Nothing 没什么 play chess 下棋 think about 思考,想 Questions: 1.Is Lingling sad No, she isn’t. 2.Is Lingling angry No, she isn’t. 3. Is Lingling bored No,she isn’t. What’s the matter with Lingling Nothing. She’s thinking. Group work 1.Read the text in your groups and share the answers. 2. Read in your groups and choose your favourite way to show. Do you know the other fellings Fill in the blanks in your groups. Yesterday , I helped my grandfather all day. I was___.Yesterday I won a chess game . I was _____. It is raniing and I can’t go out to play . I was ____. Yesterday I lost my bag . I couldn’t find it . I was____. I can smell some nice noodles. I feel_____. tired happy bored sad hungry Choose one to make a story and perform (表演). 1 Someone did not very well in the English exam. 2 It’s someone’s birthday, at the party… 3 Today we should clean our classroom. After cleaning… Let's perform Let’s chant: Sad, sad, are you sad No, No, I’m not sad. Bored, bored, are you bored No, No, I’m not bored. Angry, angry, are you angry No, No, I’m not angry. Matter, matter, what’s the matter Nothing, nothing, I am thinking. Are you happy Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Is he angry Yes, he is. Is he bored Yes,he is. Look and say Is he/she happy/sad/angry/bored… Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t. Choose and write: 1, Now, I’m _____ , I’m laughing. 2, Now, Ms smart is _____, because Sam and Amy are fighting.(打架) 3, Now, I’m _____ now, I lost(丢了) my dog. 4,I want to go out to play, but it’s raining, so I am _____,. 5,I am _____,I want to eat something. happy sad hungry angry bored riddles Yesterday I won the game. I’m____. I lost my favourite toy. I’m _____. Can we play a game I’m _____. You didn’t finish your homework. I ‘m _____. I played basketball . Now I’m _____. I want to drink. I’m _____. Can I have a burger I’m very _____. happy sad bored angry tired thirsty hungry Homework 1.Listen and read the dialogue. 2. Write a short story about your last weekend. THANK YOU 外研社一年级起点 五年级英语上册

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