
Unit 4 Inventions 第一课时 Reading 课件(牛津深圳版八年级上册)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:4581853Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Inventions 牛津深圳版八年级上册 Reading Learning objectives 1.了解人类历史上三项重要发明-wheel,telephone and light bulb的发明者,发明时间和作用影响等,能复述其中的一段。 3.了解阅读技巧skimming,利用本课尝试使用skimming的阅读技巧 4.引导学生发现,珍惜并感恩给我们的生活带来便利的发明 2.能运用一些发明的词汇介绍自己喜爱的发明 Lead-in Guess according to the descriptions : A: A thing that produces light and makes it possible to see things in the darkness B: It is a machine used for talking to sb else over long distance,using wires or radio C:It is a round objects under a car,bicycle,bus etc that turns when it moves. Lead-in light bulb A thing that produces light and makes it possible to see things in the darkness Lead-in telephone It is a machine used for talking to sb else over long distance,using wires or radio Lead-in wheel It is a round objects under a car,bicycle,bus etc that turns when it moves. Pre-reading Inventions around us computer light bulb paper book Lead-in What do you know about... paper light bulb train wheel telephone computer Pre-reading What do you think is the greatest invention in the classroom Why these inventions are so important to us what life is like without those inventions while-reading about skimming Skimming an article quickly to get its general idea. Look at the title,introduction,subheadings to give you more information about the topic. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Let your eyes skim over the text and look out for key words. photo photo subheading key words key words title while-reading find more information 1. What three inventions will the article talk about 2. Which invention do you think is the greatest invention Why Skim an article quickly to find the answers while-reading Great inventions-the wheel make travelling faster and more comfortable comfortable:nice and soft wheel:n. 轮子 make travelling faster and more comfortable make+n+adj John Boyd Dunlop inventor while-reading a few thousand years ago wheels are used on carriages in early 19th century the first train began to carry passengers at the start of the 20th century,cars became popular carriages:n.四轮马车 passengers:n. 乘客 century:n.a hundred years ago while-reading Great invention-the telephone one of the practical ways for communication invent v发明 pratical:adj实际的 since then:adv自从那时 distance:n距离 own: v拥有 keep in touch:保持联系 anytime:任何时候 Alexander Graham Bell inventor while-reading Great inventions-the light bulb the first practical light bulb developed in 1879 develop:produce light bulb:电灯 lamp:灯 candle:蜡烛 daytime:任何时候 imagine doing sth:想象做某事 C Vocabulary Cl Find words from the article on page 51 that have similar meanings to the words in italics below. 1 My new shoes felt nice and soft, (line 7) _____ 2 This modern city was only a small village a hundred years ago. (line 10) _____ 3 All the people on the bus got excited ... ...

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