
Unit 12 I go to school by bus 第三课时(Part E,Part F, Part G)课件+素材(36张PPT)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:53次 大小:38221289Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 12 I go to school by bus 湘少版·三年级下册 第三课时 (Part E, Part F, Part G) Where do you go I go to school. By bus, by bus, beep, beep, beep. beep Let’s chant beep beep Woo Woo Woo Where do you go I go to the sea. By ship, by ship, woo, woo, woo. vroom vroom vroom Where do you go I go to the park. By car, by car, vroom, vroom, vroom. choo choo choo Where do you go I go to Beijing. By train, by train, choo, choo, choo. Where do you go I go to the garden. By bike, by bike, ring, ring, ring. ring ring ring Where do you go I go to Shanghai. By plane, by plane, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. whoosh whoosh whoosh Funny game Choose six vehicles and fill in the forms. 任选六种交通工具填入表格。 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 How do you go to… I go to …by… Ask and answer E Let’s Learn to Learn. Let’s do a mind map. 思维导图 Where do you want to go How do you go there I go to … by ship by bus by plane by bike Changsha Shanghai Beijing 根据思维导图说句子 I go to Shanghai by ship. I go to Changsha by ship. I go to … by ship by bus by plane by bike Changsha Shanghai Beijing 根据思维导图说句子 I go to Beijing by bus. I go to … by ship by bus by plane by bike Changsha Shanghai Beijing I go to … by ship by bus by plane by bike Changsha Shanghai Beijing 根据思维导图说句子 I go to Shanghai by plane. I go to … by ship by bus by plane by bike Changsha Shanghai Beijing 根据思维导图说句子 I go to Beijing by bike. Do you know this letter How to pronounce it the letter “Oo” F Let’s Chant Learn to read cold old 寒冷的 老的;年老的 字母Oo在单词的中的发音 是双元音,发音时嘴型呈半圆并向前突出,然后颚部慢慢抬起,嘴唇慢慢合上。发音一定要发够长度,先发 的音然后滑向 ,口型由大变小。 Oo How is the day Look and say Cold, Cold, It’s a cold day. What do they do Old, old, We see an old play. old play 老戏 Cold, cold, It’s a cold day. Old, old, We see an old play. Listen and chant Read in groups Cold, cold, It’s a cold day. Old, old, We see an old play. Let’s enjoy Let’s read more Let’s go to school. All is over! Just say “No”. It’s cold. Please wear your overcoat. G Let’s Have Fun Turn the wheel and talk about the picture. Turn and say I go to… by… Let’s write Let’s check! More vehicles motocycle jeep tractor 摩托车 吉普车 拖拉机 van subway boat 厢式货车 地铁 小船 Summary 字母o在单词中的发音 Oo cold old 1. 选出所给单词画线部分发音不同的一项 ( ) 1. cold A. old B. snowy C. doctor ( ) 2. bus A. cup B. pupil C. but ( ) 3. bike A. ship B. like C. nice ( ) 4. plane A. apple B. name C. take ( ) 5. lemon A. red B. time C. desk C B A A B Exercises Hello, I’m Ted. I’m an English boy. I’m ten. I’m a pupil. I go to school by bike. My mother is a nurse. My father is a doctor. They go to work by car. There’s a park near my home. We often go to the park. 二、读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. I’m a pupil. ( ) 2. I’m a girl. ( ) 3. I go to school by bus. ( ) 4. My father goes to work by car. ( ) 5. My mothe ... ...

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