ID: 18292772

Module 7 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish第3课时课件(19张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:4771605B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 7 第3课时 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish. 1. Listen, point and say. 2. Listen and say. 3. Listen, match and say. Say a chant Warming up Free talk Warming up What did you do last weekend I watched TV. I ... Play a game Warming up I watched TV last weekend. He watched TV last weekend. He ...yesterday. I …yesterday. Presentation Look and describe 用一般过去时态的句子描述下列图片。 I rowed a boat. I did my homework. He played football. She rode a bike. Presentation Listen, point and say What did they do yesterday Listen carefully and tell me. Presentation The blue bird talked with Mrs Cat yesterday. Can you point to the right picture Mrs 太太,夫人 Listen, point and say Presentation Listen, point and say The red bird walked with Miss Dog yesterday. Miss 小姐 Can you point to the right picture Presentation Listen, point and say Mrs / m s z/ 太太,夫人,对已婚妇女的称呼。 Miss/m s/ 小姐,侧重指未婚年轻的女子,还可用于对女教师、女店员等的称呼。 Presentation Listen and say What about Amy What did she do yesterday Can you guess She ... Presentation Listen and say Listen and repeat. Presentation Listen and say phoned (给……)打电话 phone 过去式 cooked 烹调;煮;烧 cook 过去式 Learn the new words. Presentation Listen and say Play a game to practise the new words. Presentation Listen, match and say Listen and connect the dates with the pictures. Consolidation and Extension Make sentences drew pictures learned English played with my pet went to the park with Mum and Dad 学习短语并利用句型“I...yesterday. I didn’t...yesterday. Did you...last Sunday ”进行相关表达。 Consolidation and Extension Practise I...yesterday. I didn’t...yesterday. Did you...last Sunday Consolidation and Extension Introduce 介绍家庭成员本周末所从事的活动。 Homework 1. Listen and read the dialogue. 2. Finish exercises. 3. Introduce what you did last week to your friends. Homework Thank you!

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