
Module 5 Unit 2 It's too big for you第4课时课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:4722688Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 5 第4课时 Unit 2 It’s too big for you. 4. Listen and say. 5. Listen and read. Then say the poem. 6. Ask and find. 7. Do and say. Warming up Greetings … … Warming up Retell Activity 2 Warming up 看图说话 It’s heavy for her. It’s light for him. It’s big for him. It’s small for him. It’s hard for him. It’s easy for him. Presentation Listen and say 仔细听录音,思考字母组合“oa, oy, oo”发了什么音。 Listen and read 听老师读,然后跟读模仿。 Presentation [ u] Listen and read 听老师读,然后跟读模仿。 Presentation [ i] Listen and read 听老师读,然后跟读模仿。 Presentation [u ] Listen and read 听老师读,然后跟读模仿。 Presentation [u] 学习Listen and read. Then say the poem. 熟读各句,然后听录音合着节拍一起读诗歌。 Presentation Have a competition 组与组竞赛读,看哪组读得最好。 Presentation Ask and find Practice 问答游戏。 同学们看老师摆在讲台上的物品及在黑板上粘贴的图片表格(分颜色、大小、轻重等),老师同时还给出了提示词,现在我们来进行问答游戏,每位同学在心里想好谜底说出来,老师核查对错,比一比哪名同学猜对的最多。 Look, ask and answer Production 看图片,使用所学的句型自由问答。 Look, ask and answer Production 看图片,使用所学的句型自由问答。 Do and say Production 以小组合作的形式描述物品的特征。 Choose a present for your friend’s birthday. Summary What have you learned today Homework 同学之间用英语描述身边的事物。 Thank you!

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