
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 The Universal Language Welcome to the unit & Reading课件(共41张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:34次 大小:5881767Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 The universal language Period 2 Welcome to the unit & Reading 译林版英语选择性必修一 Ⅰ Pre-reading The Universal Language Q1: How many languages are there in the world The Universal Language English is the largest language in the world, if you count both native and non-native speakers. If you count only native speakers, Mandarin Chinese is the largest. Q2: What is the most spoken language The Universal Language Q3:How to say “hello” in different languages The Universal Language French Spanish Italian Arabic Japanese Russian The Universal Language Q4:Are these languages universal true or right at all times and in all places Universal languages The Universal Language Universal languages The Universal Language love math music painting smile tear ….to be continued Universal languages The Universal Language music love math painting smile tear ….to be continued Music as the Universal language The Universal Language Famous saying (P15) 音乐,是人生最大的快乐;音乐,是生活中的一股清泉;音乐,是陶冶性情的熔炉。 ——— 冼星海 该句出自中国近代著名音乐家冼星海(1905—1945)。这句话意在说明音乐可以带来愉悦,放松身心,陶冶情操。 Music is the utmost pleasure in life; music is the clear spring of life; music is the furnace of temperamental refinement. —Xian Xinghai Welcome to the unit (P15) Musical instruments come in a wide range of types. Read the posters below about two important musical instruments and the musicians, and discuss the following questions in pairs. Welcome to the unit (P15) Music can refresh ourselves, enhance the social relationship, and represent something about themes, spirits, characters, opinions and so on. Above all, a great way to learn about a new culture is through its music. Read the emails (P16-17) written by two exchange students who are discovering new music in their host countries. Ⅱ Fast reading Write down the main idea of each paragraph (P18) The introduction of the performance. The opinion of the author. I fall in love with country music. The features of country music. The general introduction of country music. Intensive reading Ⅲ Read Alice’s email and complete the chart below. Name Composer Where and when Instruments Theme Opinion Butterfly Lovers He Zhanhao and Chen Gang Last night Violin A classic story about a young couple torn apart by their families It combined Chinese and Western musical elements, which made me realize that music is indeed a universal language. You should listen to it! Divide the story into three parts [ ] When the two lovers, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, first meet, the music is light and pleasant, as if whispering to the audience. It is followed by a fast and cheerful section which represents their three happy years of school. Then the music gets dramatic with heavier notes and that is when the lovers are separated because Zhu’s father forces her to marry another man. Angry and sad, Liang falls sick and dies. Zhu weeps ... ...

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