
Module 6 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake第3课时课件(25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:5389824Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 6 第3课时 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake. 1. Listen and chant. 2. Listen and read. 3. Look , ask and answer. Warming up Greetings … … Free talk Are you happy OK! Show me that you are happy. Thank you! … Warming up Look and say Leading in Look at the card and say sentences: I like... I went to... Example: I like Beijing. I went to Beijing. Look and say Leading in Look at the card and say sentences: I like... I went to... 上海 I like Shanghai. I went to Shanghai. Look and say Leading in Look at the card and say sentences: I like... I went to... I like Beijing. I went to Beijing with my parents. Learn the word Leading in father or mother Look and say Leading in Look at the card and say sentences: I like... I went to... 广州 I like Guangzhou. I went to Guangzhou with my mother. Look and say Leading in Look at the card and say sentences: I like... I went to... I like Beijing. I went to Beijing with my parents last year. Look and say Leading in Look at the card and say sentences: I like... I went to... 桂林 I like Guilin. I went to Guilin with my father last week. Presentation 学习新单词 What did she do She rode a horse. 原 形 Presentation 学习新单词 What did they do They climbed the Tianshan Mountains. 过去式 Presentation 学习新单词 What did they do They visited the Tianchi Lake. 原 形 Presentation Listen and answer 1. Where did Lingling go 2. Where is Xinjiang 3. What mountains did she climb 4. What lake did she visit 5. Did she have a lovely time there Listen to the tape and answer the questions. She went to Xinjiang with her parents. Xinjiang is in the west of China. She climbed the Tianshan Mountains. She visited the Tianchi Lake. Yes, she did. Presentation Listen and repeat Open the books. Listen to the tape and repeat. 击鼓传花游戏 Practice 规则:全班拍手齐问:“Where did you go for your holidays ”拿到卡片的同学答:“I went to...”全班齐问:“Where is... ”该同学再作答。 Ask and answer Practice Look at the example. Then practise in groups. Where did you go for the holidays I went to Yinchuan. Where is Yinchuan It’s in the north of China. 讲解旅游图片 Production 同学们看这些是老师自己的旅游照片,你们想了解这些地区的特点吗? 讲解旅游图片 Production 同学们四人一组先拿出自己的照片进行简单地描述,介绍自己在那儿所看到的景和所做过的事。 Production 走近其他城市 天津 大连 杭州 让我们来一起了解下面这些城市。 Let’s chant Summary East and west, 东与西, home is the best. 家第一。 North and south, 南与北, let’s have a rest. 让我们来休息。 Summary What have you learned today Summary Which group is the winner 评出歌谣唱得最好的小组。 Homework 1. 用英语向你的父母、朋友或同学介绍自己的旅游经历。 2. 画出你最喜欢的城市,并向他人介绍这个城市的名胜古 迹,增加对祖国的了解,然后根据以下几个问题,把它 写下来。 Where is your favourite place When did you go there What did you do there Who did you go with Thank you! ... ...

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