
Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C 第1课时&第2课时&第3课时易错题精练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:95744Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 There’s a big bed Part C同步练习 第1课时(附答案) 一、用have, has或there is填空。 1.We a big classroom. 2.Mr. Hu a bike. 3. a computer and a lamp on the desk. 4. a big fridge in the kitchen. 5.She a good friend. 二、根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。 1、 There are lots of tall (building / buildings). 2、 There (be) a bike and some trees in front of the house. 3、 Look! The football is (在……后面) the door. 4、 My ball is b (在...旁边) the dog. 5、 There is a p in my bedroom. 三、选择题 1、 Their _____ are under the tree.( ) A.bikes B.a photo C.bottle 2、 Are there _____ lakes in the nature park ( ) No, there_____. But there is a river. A.any; aren’t B.any; isn’t C.some; aren’t 3、 What’s in your room ( ) _____ A.There’s a sofa. B.On the desk. C.There are hills. 4、 Look at the _____. It’s 10:00.( ) A.sun B.clock C.water bottle D.boy 5、 There are so many _____ in the garden.( )A.flower B.flowers C.bike 6、 There _____ some books on the desk.( ) A.is B.am C.are 7、 The house is _____ the tree and the river.( ) A.in B.between C.left 8、 There _____ a water bottle and some books on the desk.( ) A.are B.be C.is 9、 There _____ a plant, a pencil box and a computer on the desk.( ) A.be B.is C.are 10、Your room is really nice.( ) _____ A.Wow! You look cool. B.Thank you. C.Great! 四、按要求完成句子。 1、 You can see a lot of things in the shop. (写出同义句) You can see things in the shop. 2、 I can see a bed, a shelf, a closet and a clock in John’s room. (对划线部分提问) 3、 There is a book in the bag. (把单数变复数) There in the bag. 4、 There are two desks. (改为单数句子) 5、 There are some plants in the living room. (改为一般疑问句) there plants in the living room 五、情景填写。 1、 朋友来你家,你如何向朋友介绍你的房间?( ) A.Your room is very nice. B.This is my room. C.What’s in the room 2、 如果你想说 “它们是我祖父母的植物”时,应该说:_____( )A.They’re my grandparents’ plants. B.They’re my grandparents plants. C.They’re my grandmother’s plants. 3、 当别人赞扬你的房间漂亮时,你该回答 :_____( ) A.Great! B.Thank you. C.OK! 4、 你想说“我姑姑在客厅里”,可以说:( ) A.My aunt is in the kitchen. B.My aunt is in the living room. 5、 询问对方的房间是什么样的,可以说:_____( ) A.How is your room B.What is in your classroom C.Where is your room 六、句子匹配 A.Yes, there is.B.Some pens and rulers.C.Yes, I can.D.They are between the books.E. It’s on the desk. ( )1.Can you play football ( )2.Where is my pen ( )3.What’s in your pencil box ( )4.Is there a ball beside the bed ( )5.Where are your notebooks 七、填内容补全短文 Look at this picture. The boy is Ben. He is the big tree. What can you see the tree There are some birds. There is a table in the picture. You can see two pears the table. There are two balls the table. There is a model plane the balls. The chair is the table. Can you see the cat Yes, it’s the basket. What else can you see in the picture Yeah, there ... ...

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