
Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners 课件+音频(共24张PPT) 冀教版英语九年级全一册

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:20次 大小:5555903Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners 新 课 导 入 Is it a good manner Why do you think so In your opinion, what are good manners Do you think cultures shape manners Language Goal 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 1.掌握本课新单词: though, praise, private, guest, manners, modest, virtue, elderly, extra, waiter, tip 2.掌握本课短语: take turns, a sign of, embarrassed about, be done, pay for 3.了解加拿大与中国之间的礼仪差异 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 My name is Wu Zhou, I have lived in Canada for twenty-three years. In Canada, I call myself Joe Wu. Joe is an English name that sounds like Zhou. Though I have lived here for a long time, I still don’t feel Canadian. This is probably because North American manners and Chinese manners are so different. In China, being modest is a virtue, If someone praises you and says that your English is excellent, you should be modest and say, “No, no. My English is still poor.” I have many good friends in Canada, though Canadian culture is different from Chinese culture. 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 But in North America, this is usually a sign of being weak and not confident. You should just say, “Thank you.” In Canada, people only ask children about their age. It’s not polite to ask an adult’s age. They think it is private. But this is common in many places in China. In both China and North America, it is polite to offer an elderly person a seat on the bus. In North America, however, an elderly person may feel embarrassed about being offered a seat. 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 When Chinese people eat out in restaurants they may take turns paying for the meal. In Canada, however, people often share the cost of a meal. In China, if your guests have no food on their plates, it’s polite to put food on their plates. In Canada, you pass food to guests, but you don’t usually put food on their plates. In China, people seldom give extra money to waiters, waitresses, taxi drivers or hotel workers. In North America , this is always done. It is called “tipping”. It’s interesting to experience two different cultures. I think understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other,live together and work together. 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 1 Read the lesson and match the behaviours with the correct countries. China Canada asking an adult’ s age putting food on a guest’ s plate giving a tip to waiters and hotel workers sharing the cost of a meal in a restaurant Let's Do It! 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 2 Match and complete the sentences. Although people have different cultures and customs, Brian hasn’t been to China, He has been at the new school for only a few days, Though Liu Feng has many friends in America, but he has already made many friends there. they have the same feelings. he still feels lonely. but he knows a lot about our country. ... ...

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