
Unit 1 Knowing me, Knowing you Developing ideas课件

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:93次 大小:3236712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Developing ideas B3U1 Look at the pictures and find out what happened to student A. What would you say if you were student B Survey Activity 1 B: Oh, sorry to hear that. But I did no better than you. B: Come on. Actually you did good. I did worse than you. B: Well, I did just so-so. B: I’m a lucky dog. I almost got full marks. “white lies” Read Paragraph 2 What is the definition of white lies Para. 2: … most of the lies we tell are “white lies”: little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth. Activity 2 little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth. What attitude does the write hold towards “white lies” Predict Read for structure Read for structure How does the author organise the text Introduction Main Body Conclusion P1-4 P5-7 P8 What question does the writer want to answer To what extent can we justify telling white lies to show or prove sth. is right, reasonable or necessary Activity 3 e.g. You need to justify skipping classes without permission. Read for details How does the author organise the text Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reason 1 To make others _____. Examples Someone’s cooking _____ _____. Someone’s haircut _____. Analysis Perhaps we lie to protect ourselves _____ _____. Activity 3 feel better a meal that we don’t like, but we say it’s delicious. is awful, but we say it’s great. from the disappointment and anger of others Read for details How does the author organise the text Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reason 2 _____. Examples _____ _____. Analysis Perhaps your friend wants _____ _____. Perhaps they need to know _____ _____. Activity 3 To give encouragement You say your friend’s singing is wonderful, despite thinking your cat can sing better they should look some frank comments from you so that they can improve for a different hobby Read for details How does the author organise the text Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reason 3 _____. Examples _____ _____. Analysis Perhaps your parents _____ _____. Activity 3 To protect others from bad news You’ve had a bad day, but you hide your tears and lie to your parents that your day was “fine” would want to listen to you and understand your feelings Read for details How does the author organise the text Introduction Main Body Conclusion Even white lies may have results we cannot predict. So _____ _____. Activity 3 we should not tell lies even if they are white lies. Honesty is an important value and lying is wrong Telling white lies is not right. Read for details Read the last paragraph aloud. Conclusion Telling white lies is not right. Paragraph 8 Read for language Why does the writer repeat the questions Would your friend trust you… if he found… How would you expect… if you only… How would you feel if you… Parallelism To empathise & To make it easier for readers to consider/accept his opinion. Read for details Para. 1 Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practi ... ...

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