
Unit 3 The world of science 早读过关知识清单+检测1-2

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:50次 大小:45478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修三早读过关清单与检测 Book 3 Unit 3 早读过关清单1 (读背25分钟) 重点词汇 injure 1) v. 使受伤,弄伤 to harm yourself or somebody else physically, especially in an accident 2)v. 损害,损伤 to damage somebody’s reputation, interests, feelings, etc. He injured his left hand in a fire. 他在火灾中伤了左手。 She was injured badly in the accident. 她在这次意外中受到重伤。 This could seriously injure the company's reputation. 这样可能严重损害这家公司的声誉。 capable adj. 有能力的 having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something He is capable of doing the job. 他能胜任这份工作。 Not everyone is capable of judging art. 并不是每个人都有鉴赏艺术的能力。 beyond prep. 1) 无法... to say that something is not possible 2)超出...的范围 too far or too advanced for somebody/something The scenery there was beautiful beyond expression. 那儿的风景美得无法形容。 The handle was just beyond my reach. 那个把手刚好在我够不到的地方。 significant adj. 1)重要的,影响深远的,显著的 large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed 2)有意义的 (meaningful) having a particular meaning significance n. 重要性,意义 -- significantly adv. 重要地,意义深远地 Your work has shown a significant improvement. 你的工作有了显著的进步。 The Internet made very significant contributions to the development of science and technology. 互联网对科技的发展做出了非常重要的贡献。 This matter is of great significance to us. 这件事对我们来说至关重要。 词性转换 press v. 按--pressure n. 压力 flexible adj. 易弯曲的,柔韧的--flexibility n. 柔韧性,灵活性 capable adj. 有能力的--capability n. 能力 desire n./v. 渴望,欲望--desirable adj. 令人向往的 significant adj. 重要的,影响深远的--significantly adv. 重要地,意义深远地--significance n. 重要性,意义 injure v. 使受伤,弄伤--injury n. 伤口,损伤--injured adj. 受伤的 Book 3 Unit 3 早读过关清单1 (读背25分钟) 重点词汇 1) v. _____ to harm yourself or somebody else physically, especially in an accident v. _____ to damage somebody’s reputation, interests, feelings, etc. He _____ in a fire. 他在火灾中伤了左手。 She _____ badly in the accident. 她在这次意外中受到重伤。 This could seriously _____ the company's reputation. 这样可能严重损害这家公司的声誉。 2、 adj. _____ having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something He _____. 他能胜任这份工作。 Not everyone _____ judging art. 并不是每个人都有鉴赏艺术的能力。 3、 prep. 1) _____ to say that something is not possible 2)_____ too far or too advanced for somebody/something The scenery there was beautiful _____. 那儿的风景美得无法形容。 The handle was just _____. 那个把手刚好在我够不到的地方。 4、 adj. 1)_____ large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed 2)_____ (meaningful) having a particular meaning _____ n. 重要性,意义 -- _____ adv. 重要地,意义深远地 Your work has shown a _____. 你的工作有了显著的进步。 The Internet _____ the development of science and technology. 互联网对科技的发展做出了非常重要的贡献。 This matter is _____ to us. 这件事对我们来说至关重要。 词 ... ...

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