

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:88次 大小:1010848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5-8 阶段检测卷-英语三年级上册译林版(三起) 一、单选题 1.—_____ is this T-shirt (  ) —It's green. A.Who B.What C.What colour 2.—What's this ( ) —It's a _____. A.egg B.apple C.pie 3.—Happy Birthday, Bobby! ( ) —_____ A.Happy Birthday! B.Thank you. C.Happy New Year. 4.Look _____ my cap. ( ) A.to B.for C.at 5.Would you like _____ robot ( ) A.a B.an C./ 6.—Would you like a robot, Ted _____ that red robot ( ) —Wow. how nice! I like the colour red. A.What’s B.What colour C.What about 7.—Look at my toy car. ( ) —_____ A.How nice! B.Yes, please. C.It is for you. 二、词形转换 8.oranges (单数) . 9.I (物主代词) . 10.Sandy (所有格) . 11.isn’t (完整形式) . 12.he (对应词) . 三、用单词正确形式填空 13.Look at (I) skirt. 14.It is my (skirts). 15.—What would you like —I’d like (a) cool umbrella. 16.Would you like (some) mushrooms 17.What do (they) like to do after class 四、中英文匹配 读一读,从方框中选择相应的汉语。 A.year B.that C. happy D.uncle 18.高兴的 ( ) 19.叔叔 ( ) 20.那个 ( ) 21.年 ( ) 五、句子匹配 A.Thank you. B.Good evening, Liu Tao. C. Hi. Yang Ling. D.It’s nice. E. It’s brown. 22.Look at my jacket. ( ) 23.What colour is this cap ( ) 24.The T-shirt is nice. ( ) 25.She’s my friend Yang Ling. ( ) 26.Good evening, Mike. ( ) 六、排序题 27.( ) Good morning. ( ) Look at my family. (4) He is my father. ( ) This is me. ( ) How nice! (7) Look at my new skirt. ( ) And this is my mother. (1) Good morning, May. 七、填内容补全对话/短文 — 28 is my 29 —It’s behind the 30 —Where’s my 31 —It’s 32 the desk. 八、阅读选择 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。 Miss Kent: Good morning! I’m Miss Kent and I’m your new English teacher. So, are you Danny A: No, Miss Kent. I’m Bill. Miss Kent: OK, Bill. What’s this in English A: It’s a cap. Miss Kent: What colour is it A: It’s white. Miss Kent: You’re right. And what colour is this T-shirt A: It’s blue. I like blue because(因为) I like the sea(海洋). B: No. This T-shirt is green. Look! My jacket is green. Miss Kent: Great! 33._____ is an English teacher. ( ) A.Miss Kent B.Bill C.Danny 34.Who is “A” ( ) A.Danny. B.Bill. C.We don’t know. 35.The cap is _____. ( ) A.blue B.green C.white 36.What colour is the T-shirt ( ) A.White. B.Green. C.Blue. 37.The _____ is blue. ( ) A.cap B.jacket C.sea 九、阅读判断 读对话,判断下列句子与对话是(T)否(F)正误。 A=Amy S=Su Hai W=Waitress (女服务员) A: Would you like a hot dog S: Yes, Please. How about you, Amy A: I'd like a pie and an egg. W: OK! Here you are. A: Wow! A red hot dog. S: Yes, and a green pie. W: And the egg is blue. It's nice. 38.Amy would like a hot dog. ( ) 39.Su Hai would like a pie and an ice cream. ( ) 40.The hot dog is red. ( ) 41.The pie is orange. ( ) 42.The egg is blue. ( ) 参考答案: 1.C 【详解】根据回答:它是绿色的。可知问句问的是颜色,问颜色用what colour,对应C选项。A谁,B什么,均不符合语境,故选C。 2.C 【详解】句意:—这是什 ... ...

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