
河北省石家庄市赵县2023-2024学年第一学期八年级英语第三次月考试题(扫描版含答案 ,无听力音频和原文)

日期:2024-06-15 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:2790678Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023一2024学年度第一学期完美测评③ 八年级英语(人教版) 考试范田:uea1-化m8 听力部分 密 1.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 1.A.help 1 B.hope C.hard 2.A.cartoon B.culture C.common 3.A.bring out B.find out C.look out 4.A.Nelly dances as well as Lisa. B.Lisa doesn't dance as well as Nelly C.Lisa dances better than Nelly. 5.A.Do you like talk shows B.How do you like talk shows C.Don't you like talk shows Ⅱ.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题,'每小题1分,满分5分) 6.A.Good idea. B.No,I don't like them. C.No,that sounds funny. 7.A.Yes,I am. B.Have a good trip. C.Long time no see. 8.A.At three o'clock B.Three days ago C.For three days. 9.A.I went there by train. B.I went to Tokyo on vacation, C.I stayed here for three days. 10.A.It has the biggest screen. B.Screen City C.It's not far from my house. Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分) 1 11.What is Tom going to do this afternoon 封 A. 12.What's the time now 米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米来来米率率来*米米**率米米米米米米米米米水米米米米米米米米米米率米米米米米米米米米米 13.What should Ted do now h:.. .A.Work hard.. B.Get a computer. C.Know.more about computers. 14.What does Ted want to be when he grows up A.A computer player. B.A computer shop owner. C.A computer programmer. 15.Where will Ted work 线 AIn his father's comyB In his'n'comny. C.In his own company 16.What is Jack doing now 4 A.He is writing an article.B.He is reading a book. C.He is writing an e-mail 17.How old does Jack think people will live to be in the future A.About 100 years old. B.About 150 years old. C.About 200 years old. 八年级英语③(人教版)第1页共8页 00000002023一2024学年度第学期完美测评③ 八年级英语(人教版)参考答案 I.1~5 BABBB 11/)2-1.I II.6~10 ABCBB 0010. Π.11~12AA 13~15CCB 16~18ABA 1)/-0 A人2I9I A1-11.W N.19-21AAC 22~25 BABA V.26.two 27.cooked 28.bowls 2ready 30.week VI.31 ~35 BABCB 36~40BADCB Tomnmiwe2s 2.1.「g i.òS./ VII.41 ~45 CBDCA 46~50 DABDC 1A0704--) 月/1)cE-E.I/ Ⅷ.51~53ADB 54~56BDA 57 ~60 BCDD 0665 DCBCB/ X.66.join a school club Gq1【0-r2 人D人02-L2 )101元-1 67.Good and happy things. 9sò.1 68.It is your study. Inosn bio.Tò 69.Here are some suggestions for you to make your school life better. 70.不要忘记帮助你的同学们和老师们。 929di1i7么ò X.71.called 72.more 73.pollution74 because75..However 76.decided 77.from 78.places 79.for/in 80.their XⅪ.A) 1-11.2 1m.可 6.E 26.ST 2rb.i下.X 81.Please stop making noise.Stop making noise,please. 13 10i.0F 3mno.[ a0itfs3.òT 82.I have never got lost. 9-10.3 83.How do you get to school (A.IX 84.Will she arrive in two minutes uoy1 oh i an9f6i7T.【8 85.It is easy to send e-mails. msb luhsbnow s an snonisv3.S8 B)86. . sutul srl ai otoob s od trgim 202.88 Dear Mike, I am very happy to know you. uot dirw gnitiaa ni yolz ol sgod .18 I am a student of Dongfeng Middle School.I'm in Class Two;Grade Eight:This'year,some new students come to our class.They work hard. 8(9 We have a new subject-physic.I like i ... ...

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