

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:50次 大小:312187Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末完形填空专项特训-高中英语必修第一册人教A版(2019) My real research started at the New York Botanical Garden. I met a person who is a paleobotanist (古植物学家), which means that he 1 prehistoric plants. My novel centers on Merwin and Louise, two little Sycamore 2 who began life during the Cretaceous Period. Sycamore trees are called fossil species, which means they have been 3 since the time of the dinosaurs. They are 4 to modern trees we see in forests today. The Sycamore tree also makes those kind of seed balls, a little bit like a nursery (托儿所), like all these 5 in there together. In most of my stories. I write about children who get 6 from their parents and find their way in the world. That’s kind of what Sycamore seeds and other seeds do. They must 7 the plant that made them and go find a place to 8 . It was fun trying to 9 all the different places these two little seeds could go. I wanted them to go underwater. Drawing pictures underwater is so hard. 10 the whole scene with King Seaweed was really fun. What surprised me the most was the idea that 11 are really communities. Trees communicate with each other with a mycelial (菌丝) system under the ground that 12 everything. It felt like there were interesting parallels (相似之处) with us, because we also live in 13 , and we try to help each other. However, there are sometimes 14 from outside, and we have to find out ways to 15 . Plants are doing the same thing 1.A.cooks B.studies C.plants D.keeps 2.A.animals B.children C.birds D.seeds 3.A.alone B.away C.around D.abroad 4.A.familiar B.junior C.unnecessary D.typical 5.A.teachers B.kids C.parents D.cleaners 6.A.absent B.safe C.separate D.tired 7.A.break away from B.go away with C.look after D.get in 8.A.die B.learn C.sleep D.grow 9.A.search B.dig C.imagine D.remove 10.A.Writing B.Enjoying C.Dreaming D.Controlling 11.A.rivers B.forests C.oceans D.companies 12.A.expresses B.revises C.improves D.connects 13.A.communities B.buildings C.systems D.nurseries 14.A.qualities B.greetings C.difficulties D.comforts 15.A.lose B.quit C.challenge D.survive It was a September day. Today was the first day of high school for a freshman, Kayla. Kayla had always been a bit of a shy kid, but she had always 16 her studies. She was determined to make full use of her high school years. As she walked down the hallways, Kayla couldn’t help but feel 17 . The older students seemed so confident, while she felt small and unimportant, But Kayla was determined to succeed, no matter what 18 came her way. It wasn’t long before Kayla’s determination was put to the 19 . In her first week of school, she was assigned (分派) a (n) 20 project that required a lot of research and planning. Kayla did her 21 , but she soon realized that she was in over her head. As she struggled (努力) to complete the project, Kayla began to 22 herself. She wondered if she was cut out for hi ... ...

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