
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Revision课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:419536Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 教材高中英语人教版选择必修Book 1 UNIT 3 Fascinating parks Revision buffet v cloth n. edge n. valley n. vast adj. glacier n. reindeer n. territory n. ban vt. boundary n cottage n. visible adj. on the move accompany adopt vt. sour adj. 17.set out 18.bless vt. 19.live off 20.prohibition n. 21.prohibit vt. 22.journalist n. 23.sneeze vi. 24.teapot n. 25.label vt. 26.cream n. 27.leopard n. 28stretch vi 29.rewarding 30.bush n. 31.lung n. 32.cycle n. 33.corridor n. 34.pedal n. 35.fountain n. 36.route n. 37.ahead adv. 38.theme adj. 39.theme park 40roller coastern. 41.incredible adj. 42.appeal vi. 43.appeal to 44.pirate n. 45.adorable adj 46 wander n./v 47.amusement n. 48.amuse vt. 49.enormous adj. 50.swing vt( swung) 51.iron n. 52.fashion n. 53.rare adj. 54.steam n. 55.superb adj. 56.aquarium n 57.up to 58.polar adj. 59.upside down 60.splendid adj. 61.display n. 62.appetite n 63.entertainment n. 64. column n. Revision—核心单词默写 边,边缘 辽阔的,巨大的 领土,版图 明令禁止,取缔 看得见的 陪伴,陪同 采用,领养 酸的,有酸味的 禁止,阻止,禁令 标签,标记 延伸,延续 值得做的,有益的 肺 自行车 喷泉 路线,途径 向前,在前面 主题 极好的,难以置信 吸引力 可爱的 游荡闲逛 消遣娱乐 巨大的极大地 摆动 25.时尚流行 稀少的 卓越的 展览陈列 胃口,食欲 娱乐招待 专栏 在行进中 靠...生活 呼吁某人做 直到能胜任 颠倒 出发启程 Unit 3 Part 2词性转换 1. bound adj. 受约束的 → _____n. 边界; 界限; 分界线 2. visible adj. 可见的→_____adj. 看不见的 3. prohibit vt. (尤指以法令)禁止; 阻止→_____n. 禁止 4. journal n. 日志, 期刊→_____n. 记者 5. bless v. 保佑, 祝福→_____n. 祝福, 祷告 6. adopt vt.采用;采取→_____n. 收养 7. fashion n. 时尚; 时兴; 流行款式→_____adj. 流行的 boundary invisible prohibition journalist blessing adoption fashionable 8._____ n.娱乐;招待→_____ v.款待;使娱乐 →_____ adj 愉快的 → _____ adj 使人愉快的 9._____ adj.值得做的;有益的→_____ n.报酬;奖励 10._____ adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的→_____ adv.可爱地→_____ v.爱慕;喜爱 11._____ n.娱乐(活动);愉悦→_____ vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐→_____ adj.被逗乐的→_____ adj.逗人笑的 12._____ adj.稀少的;珍贵的→_____ adv.很少;罕有 entertainment  entertain  rewarding  reward  adorable  adorably  adore amusement  amuse  amused  amusing  rare  rarely entertaining  entertained  1.Sports have become an important form of _____ (entertain), appealing to all students. 2.I _____(rare) get colds,and I’m fit because I take a lot of exercise. 3.A strange idea occurred to him when he was _____ (闲逛) in the street. 4.What first attracted me to her was her _____ (难以置信的) experiences of life. 5.He took time out from his work to _____ (陪伴) his mother to dinner. 6. The rain had stopped and stars were _____ (可见的) over the mountains. 7. There are two _____ (栏目) on each page of this dictionary. 8. I think it’s very _____ (稀有的) to have big families nowadays. 9.English has a huge number of colourful and _____(极佳的) expressions which may be diffic ... ...

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