
Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk 表格式教案(含反思)

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:69次 大小:25490Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 How do you feel Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk 单元 Unit 6 课时 第 4课时 学习 目标 1.学生能够听懂Let’s try中的对话并完成相关习题。 2.学生能够熟练阅读Let’s talk中的对话并回答相关问题。 3.学生能够能听、说、认读单词wrong,should,feel 和well。 4.学生能够体谅父母并关心父母。 教学 重难点 1能够在情景中运用句型“…should…”和“Don’t…” 并能在实际情景中灵活运用。 2.能针对他人的情况提出适当的建议。 学情 分析 六年级的学生已经学习了三年英语,有一定英语基础。大部分同学具有强烈的好奇心和浓厚的学习兴趣,他们上课积极活跃。部分同学由于基础不扎实,缺乏自信,不愿表达,害怕开口。 在教学过程中,教师要改进课堂教学方式,让师生之间的课堂活动形式更加多样化,师生之间更加融洽;重新调整对学生的评价模式,让他基础弱的同学更好的发挥自身潜能,规范学习态度,严谨学习作风;并且加强与学生家长的交流,更好发挥家校共建作用:与问题学生多谈心,多交流,帮助他们想办法,解决学习上存在的问题,让他们看到努力后的结果。 上节课我们已经学过“see a doctor, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten,”等表达建议的词汇,以及如何使用should给与他人建议等,本节课是在复习上一节内容的基础上继续学习扩展。 教学 工具 PPT,单词卡片,课文视频,音频 教学 方法 情境创设法,任务教学法,游戏教学法 教学过程 学习任务 教学活动 设计意图 Part 1: Warm up。热身。 Step I: Warm up 1.Enjoy a song T:Before the class, let’s enjoy a song. After listening T:Do you like this song Are you happy today Today we will learn something about it. 2.Give suggestions T:Now let’s play a game. I will show you some pictures. You can use “He/She should...” give them some suggestions. 本环节欣赏一首爱好有关的歌曲。既能够激发课堂氛围,又引导学生进入本节课主题。并通转盘的游戏复习上一节课句型。 Part 2 : Let’s try.练习听力。 Step II: Let’s try: 1.Lead in T:It's seven o'clock in the morning, and it's time to get up. What happened Let’s have a look. 2. Listen and circle T:Now let’s listen and circle. 3.Check the answer T:Now let’s read the listening material and check the answers. 通过听听力回答问题,训练学生们的听力技能。 Part 3: Let’s talk。学习对话内容。 Step III:Let’s talk: 1.Listen and answer T:Now let’s listen and answer the question: Can Sarah and Sam go to the zoo today And why S1:No, they can’t. S2:Because their father is ill. 2.Watch and answer T:Now let’s watch the video and answer the questions:How does Sam feel And how does his father feel After watching S1:He is sad. S2:He is not well. 3.Read and answer T:Now let’s read and answer the question:What should their father do S:He should see a doctor. 4.Watch and imitate T:Now let’s watch the video and imitate. 5.Read in group T:Work with your partner, read in group. 6:Let’s learn T:Now let’s learn some language points. ...... 通过听、看、读等回答问题,学习Let’s talk中的对话。 Part 4: Let’s practice。练习。 Step IV:Let’s practice: 1.Let’s act T:Your friends need some help. Call them and give your suggestions. T:Look at this girl, what’s wrong with her What suggestion should you give Make a conversation with your partner. ...... 2.Ask and answe ... ...

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