
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit Reading for Writing课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:64次 大小:3946952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome Unit Period 4 Reading for Writing Write a student profile 目 录 教学分析 教学策略 教学过程 教学反思 教学分析 目 录 1.Analysis of the Teaching Material 本课使用教材是人教版必修一Welcom Unit --Period4 Reading for writing 部分,该板块的活动主题是“写学生简介”(Write a student profile).要求学生对自己作为高中新生进行比较全面的概况和介绍。 上一节课listening and speaking 板块,已经复习了口头自我介绍的功能语言,这一节课要求学生从说落实到写,把个人情况通过写作表达出来。 Why What How 1.Analysis of the Teaching Material Theme Content 主题是“写学生简介”(Write a student profile ) 学生对自己作为高中新生进行比较全面的概述和介绍。 Text type Text structure Language features 阅读写作课 从读到写 语言简明扼要,形式非正式 Purpose Value orientation 加深印象,增进新同学之间的相互了解 增进大家互相了解,建立友谊。 2.Students Analysis 优势 1.知识:学过了所有初中英语课程,有一定的英语基础。已经复习了口头自我介绍的功能语言。 2.能力:有基本的阅读和写作能力。 3.心理:高一新生刚进入校园对新学校新同学充满好奇。 不足 1.知识:词汇量不足; 2.能力:通过理解阅读去写作的能力较差; 3.学生:学生个体差异明显,有些学生对英语不感兴趣。 3.Teaching objectives 知识目标 能力目标 情感目标 1.学生掌握描述性格和学习风格的短语和句子; 2.了解学生简介包含内容; 3.掌握写学生简介的写作模式。 学生能够独立写出一篇条理清晰语言生动的学生简介。 通过学生简介,可以增进新同学之间互相了解,为以后建立友谊做基础。 Important points Difficult points 帮助学生掌握描述性格和学习风格的短语和句子。 学生独立写出一篇条理清晰、语言生动的学生简介. 4.Teaching key and difficult points Cooperative Approach Task-based teachingmethod Teaching Methods Guaided writing CAI(computer-assisted instruction) 希沃白板、 希沃授课助手 5.Teaching methods Get information 为学生顺利完成写作任务提供支架或铺垫 提升团队工作 导入视频,引起学生兴趣,引出主题。 Step 1 Leading in Step 2 Reading Step 3 Wrting Step 4 Show time 5.Teaching procedures Step 5 Summary and homework Activity 1:Watch a short video Step 1 leading in 目的:唤起学生兴趣,引出问题。 Activity2: Think and answer Now that you are in a new school, it is necessary to make your classmates know you in a short time. But how 目的:启发学生思考 Ask : What is the gril doing Activity 3 Brianstorm A profile Name ...... Age Hobbies School Favourite subject Think about what information should be included when you wrtite a student profile 目的:激发学生思考,提升学生进行发散思维。 Step 2 Reading 1. Read the two student profiles and find out what information is included 目的:锻炼学生听力,提升学生提取信息的能力。 Find out what information is included Ann,15 Lakeside High School USA My name is Ann Wells and I’m a Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School. I'm an active person and I love sports. I’m curious about verything. I often ask questions,but I learn best by doing. My favourite subject is physics. Dancing and skating are my hobbies, and I also like to read short stories. I plan to become an engineer in the future. ... ...

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