
Module 3 Sports. 词法句法过关练 (含解析)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:57269Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024 学年八年级英语上册(外研版) Module 3 Sports (词法句法过关练) 一、单项选择 1 .— was the score of the basketball match — 78:80. A .How B .Where C .What D .How many 2 .The old man fell down and when he was climbing the hill. A .hurted his leg B .hurt to the leg C .hurted the leg D .hurt his leg 3 .His factory is becoming . He needs more workers. A .big and big B .small and small C .bigger and bigger D .smaller and smaller 4 .— It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand — . _____ A .No, never mind B .No, my pleasure C .No, thanks D .Yes, I do 5 .She is three years than I am. A .old B .oldest C .older D .much old 6 .Look out!The traffic is fast we can’t cross the street now. A .too;to B .enough;to C .so;that D .such;that 7 .He spends a lot of time on schoolwork every day get into a good university. A .so that B .in order that C .so D .in order to 8 .I think we will them and we will the basketball match. A .beat;win B .win; beat C .beat;beat D .win;win 9 .Tom was my idea, but he didn’t come up with his own. A .against B .on C .for D .in 10 .The music class gives us a to know about music from all over the world. A .chance B .change C .promise D .smile 11 .—Sorry, I can’t follow you. Would you please speak —All right. A .more slowly B .more loudly C .more quickly D .more quietly 12 .Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. The more you read, the mistakes you’ll make. A .carefully; fewerB .careful; less C .careful; fewer D .carefully; less 13 .—What do you think of Liu Huan —Oh, he is my favourite singer. I think no one can sing than him. A .good B .well C .better D .best 14 .Thanks to the Internet, the world seems to become . A .smaller and smaller B .small and small C .big and big D .bigger and bigger 15 .—Excuse me. Where is the museum —It’s near the bank. You can find it . A .easier B .easily C .more easily D .easy 16 .— Where can I find Jack — He in the sports hall. A .is playing the volleyball B .is playing volleyball C .plays volleyball D .played the volleyball 17 .When you see an TV play, you may be very . A .exciting; excited B .exciting; exciting C .excited; excited D .excited; exciting 18 .-Would you like to go and see a film -Sure, the TV programmes are too . A .surprising B .interesting C .exciting D .boring 19 .— Would you mind the door It’s quite windy outside. ( . _____ ) A .close; Sure B .to close; Yes, please C .closing; Of course not D .closed; OK 20 .--Where did Jenny go on vacation --She went . A .somewhere relaxing B .anywhere relaxing C .relaxing somewhere D .relaxing anywhere 21 .Watching basketball is safer than basketball. A .play B .plays C .played D .playing 22 .— What’s with your car — It doesn’t matter. A .matter B .the matter C .problem D .trouble 23 .The teacher is and she speaks in class. A .careful; careful B .carefully; carefully C .careful; carefully D .carefully; c ... ...

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