
Unit 2 Great people Integrated skills课件 (共30张PPT)2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语九年级下册

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:6080203Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 译林版 初中英语 译林版九年级下册 Unit 2 Period 4 Integrated skills 新课导入 Guessing game Who is she She is one of the greatest women in the world. She is one of the most famous scientists. She won the Nobel Prize twice. Marie Curie居里夫人 1 2 能熟悉并能正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语。 能了解居里夫人的生平经历。 3 能用英语谈论自己钦佩的名人。 1. We pushed for the use of this teaching method, which _____ in school now. A. are widely used B. are wide used C. is wide used D. is widely used 2. —Do you know whom Lily is going to _____ —Sorry, I don't know. A. marry to B. get married C. marry with D. marry 预习检测 D D 3. Do you like music _____ you can sing along with A. that B. who C. whose D. when 4. It's so brave _____ the young man to save the old lady's life. A. to B. of C. for D. with 5. We will _____ the actions to protect the environment. A. push for B. give up C. step out D. get out A B A 知识梳理 Language Points 1. married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895 1895年与一位名叫皮埃尔·居里的法国科学家结婚 marry意为“嫁;娶;与……结婚”。 marry作不及物动词,意为“结婚” 。 e.g. She didn't marry until she was over fifty. 她直到过了五十岁才结婚。 marry作及物动词,表示“与……结婚”,此时marry后直接跟宾语。 e.g. Joe is going to marry Jane. 乔将要和简结婚。 marry是短暂性动词,当它与表示时间段的状语连用时,常用be married表示已婚状态。 e.g. They've been married for eight years. 他们结婚已经有八年了。 2. died in 1934, aged 67 1934年去世,享年67岁 aged adj. 常作表语,后跟数字,表示“岁数为……的” e.g. She has two children, aged eleven and fourteen. 她有两个孩子,岁数为11岁和14岁。 aged adj. 作定语,“年老的,年迈的” e.g. He has an aged father. 他有一位年迈的父亲。 3. It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time. 他很勇敢,到一个当时人类未知的地方去。 从句that was unknown to humans at that time 作定语,修饰place。 4. She also pushed for the use of X-ray machines, which are now widely used in hospitals. 她(居里夫人)还推动了X光设备的使用,这种设备现已在医院广泛应用。 从句 which are now widely used in hospitals 作定语,是非限制性定语从句,对主句中的 X-ray machines 起补充说明的作用。 居里夫人的生平经历 Free Talk How much do you know about Marie Curie Millie wants to give a presentation on Marie Curie. Look at the following information on this great scientist. Marie Curie (1867-1934) born in the city of Warsaw, Poland moved to Paris, France when she was 24 studied Mathematics and Physics at a university married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895 discovered radium in their laboratory in 1898 won the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime died at the age of 67 Read and answer the questions below. 1. Where was Marie Curie born 2. Where did she move when she was 24 3. What did she study at a university 4. Who did she marry in 1895 5. What did she discover in their laboratory in 1898 6. How old was she when she passed away In the city of W ... ...

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