
安徽省滁州市凤阳县官塘中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月月考英语试题(扫描版含答案 含听力音频 无听力原文)

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:27次 大小:12536606Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    英语试题参考答案及评分标准 第一部分 听力 I~Ⅲ.1~5 ACBCB 6~10 ABBAC 11~15 BCABC IV.16.train 17.foreign 18.travel 19.science 20.five/5 评分标准:1~20题每小题1分。16~20题中的单词拼写错误可酌情扣分。 第二部分 语言知识运用 V.21~25 BDBCA 26~30 DDABC评分标准:21~30题每小题1分。 WI.31~35 BCADB 36~40 DACBD41~45 BACBB 46~50 ADACB 评分标准:31~50题每小题1分。 VI.51~55 AEDGC 评分标准:51~55题每小题1分。 第三部分 阅读 VII.56~58 CAD 59~62 DCAA 63~65 BAC66~69 DADC 70~72 BCA 73.Outside the house. 74.He read books at night but forgot most of them the next morning. 75.It became clean. 评分标准:56~75题每小题2分。73~75题的答案使用完整或简略形式均可。能答出关键词语即可给分。所提供的答案仅供参考,其他答案给分与否酌情处理。 第四部分 写 IX.76.holes 77.piece 78.already 79.own 80.covered 评分标准:76~80题每小题1分。 X.One possible version: Life in the future What will life be like in the future First,the weather will bedifferent.In the future,the weather won't be too hot or too eold.Itwill be warm all year round.Second,it's possible to have a human-like robot in our homes.Robots will do lots of work for People,sothey'll have long holidays.They'll have more free time to take tripswith their family.Third,every family will have a small plane,sopeople will be able to go anywhere quickly.What's more,it will bevery cheap to travel by plane.I think the future life will be great!

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