
【1+1轻巧夺冠】Module10 Unit2 I'm in New York now 同步学案-外研版(三起)英语五年级下册(pdf版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:85次 大小:6520044Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    北教传螺 云21世纪教自 Unit 2 I'm in New York now. 我现在在纽约。 10 金牌翻译室 每天却府新成长 课本原文 课文译文 Look,listen and say. ①看一看,听一听,说一说。 This is my new pet.It speaks English Wow!It speaks Chinesc 这是我的新宠物。它说英语: too.哇!它也说汉语。 Nihao!Nihao! Hello!Hello! 你好!你好! 2 Listen and read. ②听一听,读一读。 Dear Mum and Dad. 亲爱的妈妈和爸爸: I'm in New York now.I 我现在在纽约。我昨 可智 arrived here yesterday. 原文朗读 天到达这里的。我很开心。 I'm very happy.Grandma and (外)祖母和西蒙表哥在机 Cousin Simon met me at the 场接的我。我们乘坐一辆 airport.We took a yellow taxi to 黄色的出租车到的他们家。 their home. 纽约非常美丽。(这里)有 New York is very beautiful.There 许多高大的建筑物、小汽车 are lots of tall buildings,cars and 和人。 people. 2201配外研版英语五年级下, 本资料为出版资源,盗版必究! 北教传螺 云21世纪教 Grandma made Chinese food for (外)祖母为我做了中国食 me.But I want to try American 物。但是我想尝试美国食 food.I want to find out more about 物。我想弄清更多关于美 the US.I will write again soon. 国(的情况)。我将会尽快 再(给你们)写信。 10 Love, 爱你们的, 块 Daming 大明 Now answer the questions. ③现在回答问题。 1 Where is Daming now 大明现在在哪里? 2 When did Daming arrive there 大明什么时候到达那里的? 3 Who met Daming at the airport 谁在机场接的大明? 4 What food did Grandma make for (外)祖母为大明做了什么 Daming 食物? 附:梅考答暴)1 He is in New York now. 2 He arrived there yesterday. 3 His grandma and his Cousin Simon met him at the airport. 4 Grandma made Chinese food for Daming. Listen and say. ④听一听,说一说。 wh wh wr who谁 when在什么时候 write写 whose谁的 what什么 wrong错误的 配外研版英语五年级下1221 本资料为出版资源,盗版必究!北教传螺 27世纪戴言 wUu21GnWG n 英语 参考答案 参考答案 Module 1 三、l.Yes,he did 2.He was a student before. Unit 1 We lived in a small house 3.She didn't learn any foreign languages 即学即试 4.He watched TV yesterday -、1.C2.B3.B4.A5.C 5.He isn't learning English now. 二、l.lived in Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher. 2.different,many years ago “即学即试 3.have enough food -、1.B2.C3.B4.B5.C 4.watch TV 5.Look;There are 二、l.teacher 2.taught Unit 2 She didn't have a television. 3.is ”即学即试 4.doesn't 一、1.last night 5.teaches 2.许多年以前 Module 3 3.in the fields Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages 4.talk about ·即学即试 5.…怎么样 一、1.A2.A 3.C4.B 二、1.B2.C3.C4.A5.C 二、l.breakfast 2.lunch 三、1.do2.was3.work 3.hamburger 4.traditional 4.wrote 5.goes Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers. Module 2 即学即试 Unit 1 She learnt English. 、l.very much 即学即试 2.four hamburgers 一、1.taught 2.wrote 3.changing 3.在学校 4.learnt 4.把某物给某人 二、1.cities2.languages 3.to cook 5.想念中国食物 4.wrote 5.dancer 二、1.B2.C3.C4.B5.C 2441配外研版英语五年级下 本资料为出版资源,盗版必究! 北教传螺 27世纪戴言 wUu21 cnV.c n Module 4 2.It will be easy for you to carry. 英 3.It has got two pockets Unit 1 Let's make a home library. 语 4.You can put your umbrella there. “即学即试 5.It i ... ...

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