
Module 7 Great books Unit 1 课件+音频(共35张PPT)外研版 九年级上册

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:25次 大小:34403761Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 7 Great books Unit 1 We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. Warming up Do you like reading books What great books do you know/read Journey to the West Harry Potter The Little Prince The Ordinary World Warm up Confucius (about 551-479 BC). He is also called Kong Zi. He was a great teacher and thinker. One of his works is Lunyu. / k n'fju: s / Warm up When three people are walking together, I am sure to find teachers among them. 三人行,必有我师焉。 -- 孔子 《论语》 Confucius China By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart. What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters 己所不欲,勿施于人。 性相近,习相远。 Warm up Shakespeare (1564 - 1616 ) He was considered the greatest playwright(剧作家) in the world and the finest poet (诗人) who has written in the English language. /'w lj m ' e ksp r / Tragedy悲剧 Comedy喜剧 plays poems To be or not to be, that is the question. ———《哈姆雷特》 This above all: to thine self be true. 最重要的是,你必须对自己忠实。 ———《哈姆雷特》 Warm up The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain ( l835~1910 ) He was the US critical realism(批判的现实主义) literature (文学) founder(奠基人), well-known short story master(大师). The Million Pound Bank Note The Father of American Literature /mɑ:k twe n/ Listen and choose. 1. When did Confucius live (Over 2,000 years ago./ 400 years ago./ Over 100 years ago.) 2. What did Shakespeare write (Plays and stories./ Stories and poems./ Plays and poems.) 3. Where are Mark Twain’s stories set (In the south of the UK./ In the north of the US./ In the south of the US.) Let’s listen to a discussion about the three great writers. Tips: 1.找关键词 2.带着关键词有目的地听取所需信息 be set in 以…为背景 Betty and Mr Jackson are talking about something. blabla... blabla... What are Mr Jackson and Betty talking about A. The great books. B. Confucius and Shakespeare. C. The great writers. While-listening Listen and choose the correct answer. Activity 3 Task 1. Listen to the first part, choose and answer. 1. Who are Betty's great writers A. Confucius and Shakespeare. B. Confucius and Mark Twain. C.Shakespeare and Mark Twain. 2. Mr. Jackson would describe Confucius more as a . A. Teacher and writer. B. Teacher and thinker. 3. What do Betty have to do for the discussion A. She has to write a book. B. She has to read a book. C. She has to read her favorite book and write a review. Activity 3 Task 2 Listen to the second part and choose. 1. Are we still influenced by Confuciuss ideas A. No, we are. B. Yes, we are. C. No, we aren't. 2.What does Betty think of Mark Twain He was famous. B. He was successful. C. He was important but isn’t as famous as Confucius. 3. What is Mr. Jackson's favourite? A. Lunyu. B. Romeo and Juliet. B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Activity 3 Task 3 Read and match. (P57) 1. Confucius 2. S ... ...

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