
【1+1轻巧夺冠】Module4 Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs+模块总复习 同步学案-外研版(三起)英语六年级下册(pdf版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:70次 大小:9267553Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    北教传媒 27世纪载言 uuIIRTCn ycom 课堂直播 ( )3.Are you helpful )4.Can I help you )5.What is he doing A.Yes,he can B.Yes,please.I want some dumplings C.Sorry,I can't. D.He is buying things E.Yes,I am Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs. 苹采从接桥上掉下来了。 金牌翻译室 每天却有新成长 课本原文 课文译文」 1 Look,listen and say. ①看一看,听一听并说一说。 4 Look,a panda is What A panda falling看,一只is falling 么7 熊猫掉下米了一只熊猫掉下 来 On!it's a panda kite.哦:它是 只熊猫风筝。 801配外研版英语六年级下 本资料为出版资源,盗版必究! 北教传媒 27世纪载言 uuIIRTEn y com SHIPIN JIANGJIE.⑤ 2Listen and read. ②听一听并读一读。 Oh dear!I can't carry them all 哦,天哪!我拿不动它们全部。 Everything is falling! The 所有的东西都掉下来了! eggs are broken! 原文朗读 鸡蛋碎了! And the apples are falling down the stairs! 苹果从楼梯上掉下来了! Oh no!Now the cola is falling too! 哦,不!现在可乐也掉下来了! What a mess!Who can help me 多么糟糕啊!谁能帮助我? 3Listen and match. 3听一听并连一连。 4 摸 义录音原文为 参考译文 Who can help the woman ◇ 谁能帮助那个女人? Woman:Sorry,I can't help 女人:对不起,我不能帮助 her.I'm on the phone. 听力音频 她。我正在打电话。 Man:Yes,I can.I will pick up the apples. 男人:是的,我能。我将捡苹果。 Boy:I will wash the apples. 男孩儿:我将洗苹果。 Girl:And I will clean the floor. 女孩儿:我将擦地板。 配外研版英语六年级下181 本资料为出版资源,盗版必究!北教传媒 27世纪载言 EHING EDUCTION MEDIA uuIIRTCn ycom 六年级 英 语 参考答案 参 Module 1 二、1.C2.B3.C4.C5.A Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin. 答 Unit 1 I want a hot dog.please ·即学即试 °即学即试 -、1.sunny 2.rain 3.snow 4.cold -1.be careful 2.here you are 5.windy 3.enjoy your meal 二、1.snow 2.sunny 3.cloudy 4.how much5.一杯可乐 4.going 5.warm 二、1.C2.B3.C4.C5.B Module 3 Unit 2 What do you want to eat Unit 1 The sun is shining. ”即学即试 -1.wants 2.vegetables 3.do not ”即学即试 4.isn't 5.does -,1.have a very interesting day 二、1.What do you want to drink 2.send some photos/pictures 2.How much are they 3.in this photo/picture 3.Can I help you 4.write to 5.fly away 4.look-looks 二、1.are singing 5.你(们)想喝什么? 2.is swimming Module 2 3.are looking at Unit 1 When are we going to eat 4.these photos/pictures “即学即试 5.looks hungry Unit 2 -1.have a picnic 2.get up The cows are drinking water. 3.have breakfast4.在十二点半 ”即学即试 5.去公园 .1.cows 2.rabbit 3.lovely 2361配外研版英语六年级下 本资料为出版资源,盗版必究! 北教传媒 27世纪载言 uuIIRTCn ycom 六年级 4.blowing 5.singing 二、l.but2.and 3.and 4.but 英 二、l.What are you doing 5.but 语 2.I am cleaning my room. Unit 2 He's riding his bike, 3.The cows are drinking water but it starts to rain. °即学即试 4.The ducks are swimming. 参考答案 5.We are having a lovely time. -、1.B2.C3.B4.C5.B Module 4 二、l.sing2.reading3.says/said 4.comes 5.watching Unit 1 The balloons are flying away! Module 6 °即学即试 Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday -1.Simon's 2.your 3.me yesterday 4.you 5.balloons ”即学即试 二、1.C2.A3. ... ...

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